Animal Biologic Unit

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

1) Theoretical descriptive exposure;

2) Demonstrative practical classes with manipulation of bones, viscera, blood, animal feces and parasites;

 3) Field, demonstration and practical classes by students of procedures previously covered in theoretical classes

4) In bibliographic research and analysis of articles and reports on the contents of the UC

Learning Results

1. To know the exterior of the animal, its general musculoskeletal organization, the aprumus and its deficiencies, the anatomical structure of the animal’s basin and its connections to the process of childbirth;
2. To know the anatomy and physiology of the different organic systems, with particular incidence for the reproductive and lactopoietic functions, their zootechnical applications
3. To know the defense mechanisms in animals and the principles of immunization and etiological pathogenesis, in an epidemiological and animal health context, with approach to some pathologies


Objective 1 (40%): outside the animal and its skeletal organization; ossification and calcium metabolism; joints; aprumos and their deficiencies; basin and birthing process; muscular physiology and some muscles
Objective 2 (40%): anatomical physiology of cardio-respiratory, circulatory, immune, digestive and genito-urinary systems; reproductive and lactopoietic function and zootechnical applications;
Objective 3 (20%): pathogens; immune system and immunization; etiological pathogenesis in an epidemiological, animal health and public health context; some pathologies (metabolic, parasitic and infectious-contagious)

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Por Exame
  • - 2) Esplancnologia e Fisiologia Animal: exame escrito teórico (50%) e prático (50%); - 40.0%
  • - 3) Saúde Animal: exame escrito (75%) e trabalho temático (25%) - 20.0%
  • - 1) Estrutura do Animal: exame escrito teórico (50%) e prático (50%); - 40.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - 3) Saúde Animal: exame escrito (75%) e trabalho temático (25%) - 20.0%
  • - 1) Estrutura do Animal: exame escrito teórico (50%) e prático (50%); - 40.0%
  • - 2) Esplancnologia e Fisiologia Animal: exame escrito teórico (50%) e prático (50%); - 40.0%




  • Barone, R. – Anatomie compareé des mammifères domestiques. Paris: Vigot. 1980.
  • Bernard, T.[et al.] – Epidemiologie appliquée: à la lutte collective contre les maladies animales transmissibles majeurs . Alfort: Association pour l’étude de l’épidémiologie des maladies animals. 1994.
  • Clayton, H. M.[et al.] – Atlas colorido de anatomia aplicada dos grandes animais. São Paulo: Editora Manole Ltda. 1997
  • Frandson, R. D. – Anatomia y fisiologia de los animales domésticos. 3ª ed. México: Interamericana. 1984
  • MCcracken, T. O.; Kainer, R. A.; Spureon, T. L. – Spurgeon atlas colorido de anatomia de grandes animais: fundamentos. Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara Koogan. 2004
  • Momont, H. The reproductive System in Animals. MSD Vet Manuals. 2020
  • Thrusfield, M. – Epidemiologia veterinária. Zaragoza, Acríbia, D. L. 1990
  • Tizard, I. R. – Veterinary immunology: an introduction. 6th ed. Philadelphia: W. C. Saunders Company, Cop. 2000-Hill. 1988