Animal Breeding and Advanced Reproduction Techniques

Base Knowledge

1) Biology; 2) Animal Reproductive Anatomy and Phisiology

Teaching Methodologies

Methodology: 1) classic exposition of concepts; 2) Performing laboratory tasks and various exercises; 3) Solving exercises on hereditary expectation; and 4) Literature search under faculty guidance.

Learning Results

1: Understand the molecular and cytological base of the cell and the mechanisms and structures involved in heredity and phenotypic variability. Mendel’s principles, the intra­ and intergenic relationships, standard and special transmission patterns (including “Inprinting”) and the associated heredopathology, the Hardy­-Weinberg theory, and the principles of quantitative approach applied to animal breeding.

2: Know the anatomy­physiology of reproduction in livestock species and their characteristics and the principles and methodology of Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer, Embryo Production “in vitro” and the Sexing of sperm.


Objective 1:

a). Cytological and nuclear organization of prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Chromosomal organization and specificity; b) hereditary sexual transmission, the occurrence of permutations and aberrations ­ justification and epidemiology; c) Principles of Mendel, intra­ and intergenic relations and special cases of inheritance (including “Imprinting”); d) Postulate of Hardy­Weinberg and applications; e) polygenic and phenotypic variability: components, Heritability and Value Improvement Types and Methods of Selection and Crossover Heterosis and inbreeding.

Objective 2:

a) Anatomy of the Reproductive System of livestock species ­ peculiarities b) Endocrinology of reproductive function, mechanism, and control of overhead variances c) histological and ethological cyclical changes of livestock species d) Principles and methods of Artificial Insemination, Production and Transfer of Embryos and Sperm Sexing.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - Objectivo 1: execução de exercícios em tempo OT (20%) e exame escrito (80%) - 75.0%
  • - Objectivo 2 : avaliada por exame escrito (100%). - 25.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Objectivo 2: Exame escrito sobre a componente Reprodutiva - 25.0%
  • - Objectivo 1: Exame escrito sobre a componente Genética - 75.0%




Arthur, G.; Noakes, D.; Pearson, T. – Veterinary Reproduction & Obstetrics. Seventh edition. WB Saunders, London. 1998.

Banks, W. – Applied Veterinary Histology. 2end edition. Williams & Wilkins. London. 1985

Broers, S P. – Compendium of Animal Reproduction. Intervet International. 1993.

Cárbó, C. – Reproduction de las Aves. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. Madrid. 1992

Doney, J.; Gunn, R.; Horák, F. – Reproduction. In: Sheep and Goat Production, I. E. Coop (Ed.). Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. New York. 1982

Falconer, D. S.; Mackay, C. – Introduction to quantitative genetics. Essex: Prentice Hall. 1996

Gardner, J. ; Simmons, J. ; Snustad, P. – Principles of genetics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 8th edition. New York. 1991

Grunert, E.; Birgel, E. – Obstetrícia Veterinária. Editora Sulina. Porto Alegre. Brasil. 1982

Hedrick, W. – Genetics of populations. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 2nd edition. Sudbury. 2000

King, G. – Reproduction in Domesticated Animals. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. New York. 1993

Lewin, B. – Genes VII. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 2000

Lewis, R. – Human genetics: concepts and aplications. 2nd edition. Dubuque, IA: WCB Wm. C. Brown Publishers. 1997

Mackane, L.; Kandel, J. – Microbiology: essentials and applications. McGraw-Hill, inc. 2nd edition. New Aster. 1996

Noakes, David, Parkinson Timothy, England Gary. Veterinary Reproduction & Obstetrics. 10th Edition. Imprint: Saunders Ltd. 2018.

Simões, J. – Fisiologia da Reprodução dos Ungulados Domésticos. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkien. Lisboa. 1984

Senger, Phillip L. Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition. 3rd revised edition. Pullman, WA: Current Conceptions Inc. 2012.

Soltner, D. – La Reproducion des Animaux d´Elevage. Collection Sciences et Tecniques Agricoles. Sainte-Gemmes-Sour-Loire, Angers. France. 1989