Base Knowledge
Biology and Ecology
Teaching Methodologies
The Course will consist of two modules (M1 and M2). In each module classes will be taught theoretical exposition and field work and laboratory work will be conducted. Students will be oriented literature and oral presentations in Portuguese and English.
Learning Results
1 – Know the general biology of bees; 2 – Identifies and controls the main enemies of bees; 3 – Manage bees colonies according to the different production; 4 – Identifies edible fungi associated with forest ecosystems. 5. Establishes measures to manage natural areas in order to maintain and improve the sustainability of forest products
1- Beekeeping in the actuallity. 2 – Biology of honey bee 3. Apiary techiques; 4. Honey bee health, enemies and diseases; 5. Mycology. 6. Sylvestre products with potential economic.
Grading Methods
- - final exam - 100.0%
- - Paper/ presentation (50% module 1 + 50% module 2) - 20.0%
- - Test (50% module 1 + 50% module 2) - 80.0%
Free, J.B. – Bees and mankind. George Allen &Unwin, London, 1992.
Brenard Mobus and Larry Connor – The varroa handbook. Northern Bee Books, 1988.
Rodrigues, J.L. 2005. Guia de setas ibericas. Fondo Natural.
Olive, E. prys and Sarah ª Cobert – Bumblebees. Combridge University Press, 1987
Gould, J. and Gould, C. – The honey bee. Scientific American Library, 1988.
Prost, Jean – Pierre – Apicultura. Ed. Bailière, 1977. (4ª edition)
Vasconcelos T., Branco, M., 2007. A Apicultura nos montados de Sobro e de Azinho. Árvores e Florestas de Portugal. Edição conjunta da Fundação Luso Americana, Jornal Público e Liga para a Protecção da Natureza
Christopher OToole and Anthony Raw – Bees of the world. Blandford, 1991.
Bernard Heinrich – Bumblebee Economics. Harvard University Press, 1979.