Applied Research I

Base Knowledge

Research Methodology and Epidemiology.

Teaching Methodologies

Classes are intended to impart knowledge about research, selection and critical evaluation of available evidence.
Tutorial guidance: Students will be guided by teachers with assigned Teaching Service Distribution.

Learning Results

Gather and evaluate evidence and information from a wide range of sources using data collection and interpretation methods in order to provide information that guides or benefits practice;

Critically evaluate evidence from research and apply it to practice where appropriate, contributing to the inquisitive culture and commitment to best practice in the profession, including the ability to apply learning to practice.


1. Evidence-based practice.

Concept of evidence-based practice and its evolution;

Evidence-based practice and clinical practice of the health professions;

Relationship between PBE and clinical efficacy and effectiveness;

EBP instruments: meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials,

Evidence classification systems

2. Research of scientific evidence

Internet use and content evaluation;

The sources of evidence (evidence-based practice websites, evidence-based practice centers, guidelines)

Evidence search strategies (levels of evidence)

The Online Research Process

Research question development

Research planning and development including practical Planning and Development sessions

3. Critical analysis of scientific evidence

Critical analysis of evidence and practice supported by the best available evidence

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Review Process

The screening process and detailed analysis

Criteria for analysis and use of evidence assessment instruments

RTC`s evaluation practice and systematic reviews


Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Bibliography

Jewell DV (2008). Guide to evidence-based physical therapy pratice. Jones and Bartlett Publishers 


Secundary Bibliography

Linda Fetters PT  PhD  FAPT, Julie Tilson PT  DPT  MS  NCS. Evidence Based Physical Therapy. F.A. Davis Company (2012)