Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The methodological choices conducive to the fulfillment of the program of the course will focus on two key educational components:
– Oral presentation oriented to the estimated contents;
– Debate and group and individual work.
The evaluation on the curricular unit will, at the option of the student, of the following modalities:
– Continuous evaluation;
– Exam.
The evaluation in those modalities will obey criteria that will be explained in the statements and/or oyher elements presented, according to the following components and weights:
– Participation – weight of 20% in the overall evaluation;
– Work in group – weight of 30% in the overall evaluation;
– Individual work – weight of 50% in the overall evaluation.
– The syllabus domain – weight of 70% in the overall evaluation of the exam;
– Ability to express ideas – weight of 30% in the overall evaluation of the exam.
Learning Results
3.1 Acquire basic notions of research practices in academic and professional context.
3.2 Understand different research methods and apply them to concrete cases and studies.
3.3 Know how to structure a document that effectively communicates the results of research processes in art and design.
4.1 General framework: the importance of art and design research
4.2 Research Methodologies
4.2.1 Quantitative Approaches
4.2.2 Qualitative approaches Case Study and Action Research Qualitative research applied in art and design
4.3 Data Collection Procedures
4.3.1 Observation
4.3.2 Survey
4.3.3 Interviews
4.3.4 Photographic and / or videographic record
4.4 Analysis of Results
4.5 Methodology for writing scientific work
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual work - 50.0%
- - Work in group - 30.0%
- - Participation - 20.0%
- - The syllabus domain - 70.0%
- - Ability to express ideas - 30.0%
Bardin, L. (2004). Análise de conteúdo. Edições 70.
Bogdan, R., & Biklen, S. (1994). Investigação qualitativa em
educação – uma introdução à teoria e aos métodos. Porto Editora.
Brown, T, et al. (2011). En torno a la investigación artística. MACBA/UAB.
Irwin, R.; Dias, B. (2013). Pesquisa Educacional baseada em Arte: A/r/tografia: Editoraufsm
Leavy, P. (2009). Method Meets Art: Arts-based Research Practice. Guilford Press.
Quivi, R. & Campenhoudt, L. (2008). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Gradiva.
Ruas, J. (2022). Manual de Metodologias de Investigação – Como Fazer Propostas de Investigação, Monografias, Dissertações e Teses. Escolar Editora.
Sullivan, G. (2005). Art practice as research: Inquiry in the visual arts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage