Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The delivery of the program will involve classes TP(12.5h) and PL(12.5h), asking if the active participation of the student in the classroom during the presentation of the contents on the part of the teacher. They will also promote group works, the organization of study visits followed by the preparation of reports and the organization of work, as the evaluation set.
Th evaluation was organized according to the Academic Regulation of the 1st cycle of studies of the IPC. In this sense, the continuous evaluation will be based in the organization, from the student, practical work inside or outside the classroom (10%), a written test (50%) and organizing a work and oral presentation (40 %).The evaluation examination based on the achievement of a single written test to be held at the end of the semester.
Learning Results
1- Identify principles underlying the study of Artistic Styles and Movements
2- Know the Artistic Styles underlying the heritage of the city of Coimbra
3-Identify artists and heritage assets within the scope of artistic movements
4- Understand the historical-artistic heritage as tourist feature
1. Artistic styles, artisitics movements and heritage
1.1.Problems, sources and methods
1.2. Periodization and terminology
2. Heritage and Artistics Styles: the historical and artistic heritage of Coimbra as reference
2.1.1. The human presence in the territory: its impact on the structuring of the space
2.1.2. Characterization of artistic styles underlying the property of the city
3.Artistic Movements and reference artists at national and / or international level: historical context
4. Historical-artistic goods and tourism: a heritage to be discovered
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Frequency - 50.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
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