Base Knowledge
Financial Accounting; Financial analysis; Taxation; Corporation law.
Teaching Methodologies
This curricular unit follows a teaching logic based on theoretical and practical classes, in addition to case studies and problem solving.
Although supervised, this teaching will have the student’s autonomy.
Learning Results
This curricular unit aims to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge that will allow them to understand the framework of auditing in organizations, its need and importance for decision-making of different interest groups. It is also intended to provide knowledge about the access and exercise of the profession, the different stages of the audit, the procedures to be developed by the auditors and the audit report.
At the end of the study, students should know the role of the auditor, the indispensability of evidence and the methodology to be followed to plan the work of any type of audit, including financial and apply audit procedures, use working papers and techniques that will lead to obtaining the proof and issuing the opinion.
I – Introduction to financial auditing
1.1. Concept and objectives of a financial audit
1.2. Other types of audit
1.3. Evolution of financial audit
1.4. Need and limitations of an audit
II – The role of auditing in organizations
2.1. Its framework in the management of organizations
2.2. Entities subject to statutory audit
2.3. Auditor’s Responsibilities
III – The auditor
3.1. ROC qualification
3.2. Ethics and professional deontology
3.3. Professional organizations
IV – Auditing standards
4.1. Issuing bodies
4.2. Auditing regulations
V – Internal control
5.1. Concept and objectives of internal control
5.2. Internal control system components
5.3. The relationship of internal control with the audit work
5.4. Specific internal control procedures
5.5. Internal control reports
VI – The development of the financial audit work
6.1. The audit evidence
6.2. The working papers
6.3. Audit work phases
6.4. Audit reports
Curricular Unit Teachers
Almeida, B. (2022) Manual de Auditoria Financeira – Uma análise integrada baseada no risco, 4ª Edição, Escolar Editora, Lisboa.
Assembleia da República. Lei n.º 140/2015, de 7 de setembro, Diário da República Série I nº 174 – Estatuto da Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (alterado pela Lei n.º 99-A/2021 de 31 de dezembro)
Assembleia da República. Lei n.º 148/2015, de 9 de setembro, Diário da República Série I nº 176 – Regime Jurídico de Supervisão de Auditoria (com as alterações introduzidas pela Lei n.º 35/2018, de 20 de julho, e pela Lei n.º 99-A/2021, de 31 de dezembro)
Baptista da Costa, C. (2019) Auditoria Financeira – Teoria e Prática, Rei dos Livros, Lisboa, 12ª Edição.
Inácio, H. (2014) Controlo Interno – Enquadramento teórico e aplicação prática, Escolar Editora, Lisboa.
Morais, G. e Martins, I. (2013) Auditoria Interna – Função e Processo; Editora Áreas, 4ª edição.
The Institute of Internal Auditors (2017), Normas Internacionais Para a Prática Profissional de Auditoria Interna (Normas), disponível em