Automação Industrial

Base Knowledge

Programming and digital systems.

Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be held in a mixed way, presenting the concepts, corresponding to the theoretical classes and then presenting the methodologies and equipment for practical and simulation experimentation, using tools, and solving exercises.

Videos on the topics will be made available for consultation outside the classroom.

Learning Results

Design, project, execute and maintain industrial automation systems.
Program PLCs and industrial electrical and pneumatic equipment.
Ability to propose technical solutions to the employer or client.
Ability to choose technical solutions and their arguments to the employer or client in the scope of automation.
Perform and maintain automated systems.
Apply and program simple vision systems.


A – Theoretical classes

  1. ) Industrial Sensors
  2. ) Automation systems programming (Discrete event control systems specification methods: Grafcet; Functional safety systems), based on IEC Standard
  3. ) Industrial Actuators (Electro-pneumatic control systems; Electric control systems)
  4. ) Specification of automation installations (Schematic design of automation (electrical diagrams); Project documentation)
  5. ) Automation and Supervision Networks (HMI; SCADA Systems; Most important Industrial Networks: Ethercat, Profinet)

B – Laboratory Classes

  1. Installation of free tools on students’ labtops
  2. Introduction to the programming environment –> valences, program simulation and hardware simulation
  3. Work: standardization of knowledge with digital numbering
  4. Work: standardization of logic gate concepts, equivalent electrical diagrams and basic ladder logic diagrams
  5. Introduction to Grafcet, and state space based systems with online simulators
  6. Introduction to the programming environment | Using timers and counters
  7. Job: controlling a signal tower
  8. –> synchronization of previous classes
  9. Work: Controlling a garage door | Checking the filling of a tank
  10. –> synchronization of previous classes
  11. HMI consoles | concepts
  12. Job: HMI Consoles | Elaboration of the representation of one of the works 7) or 9)
  13. Work: use of a setup in an automation simulator (setup developed in theoretical classes) and implementation of its control with automation
  14. –> synchronization of previous classes
  15. –> synchronization of previous classes

Note: For classifications above 16, students must do an extra assignment, one and only one of the two to be delivered to the professor responsible for the UC:

  1. ) Implementation of function blocks for use in Ladder, to abstract the configuration of variable speed drives
  2. ) Implementation of a work carried out in a Supervisory System.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Main bibliography in the library:
Norberto Pires, J. (2012). Industrial automation. Lidel. 978-972-8480-31-8. ISEC quota: 1-6-302.
Francisco, A. (2015). Programmable automata. ETEP. 978-972-8480-33-2. ISEC quota: 1-6-254.
Caldas Pinto, J.R. (2010). Automation Techniques. ETEP. 978-972-8480-26-4. ISEC quota: 1-6-300.

Existing bibliography on the support platform:
Fonseca, I. et. al. (2023). Statements of practical work, Slides of theoretical classes.
Fonseca, I. et. al. (2023). Videos demonstrating how to use the different technologies.
Generic. (201x).  Manufacturers’ manuals for the equipment used.

Extra bibliography:
Oliveira, P. (2009). Industrial Automation Course. ETEP. 978-972-8480-21-9.