Biochemical Engineering

Base Knowledge

Previous knowledge in enzyme kinetics is recommended.

Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical classes will be made the general presentation of the subjects to be taught with the use of case studies when appropriate.
In the theoretical-practical classes the students will solve exercises under the guidance of the lecturer.
In the practical classes, the fundamentals of the experimental work to be performed are presented and discussed. Students are encouraged to proceed to the previous reading of the recommended bibliography. A critical and substantiated analysis of the results is made and the respective reports are prepared in scientific article format.

Learning Results

The course aims to study and understand the issues related to the industrial bioprocesses engineering and their application in the operation of bioreactors. It is intended that the student:
1 Recognize the bioreactor as a fundamental part of a bioprocess, and know the products produced by this way.
2 Master the terminology associated with bioprocesses. Study the main kinetic models and work with the kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of the bioprocesses.
3 Know the various types of bioreactors and their characteristics. Choose the most appropriate reactor type for obtaining a specific bioproduct, the operation mode and the process conditions. Make quantitative assessments in terms of biomass evolution, substrate and product formation in these systems.
4 Understand the mechanisms of mixing and oxygen transfer in bioreactors.
5 Be aware of the future need for further learning regarding the limits of the application of the acquired concepts.


A. Theoretical-practical component
1. Stoichiometry and kinetics of microbial growth, product formation and substrate consumption. 2. Determination of the kinetic parameters of microbial growth, process yields (for biomass and/or product formation) and maintenance coefficient. 3. Types of bioreactors. Operation modes: batch, continuous and fed-batch. 4. Modelling of ideal bioreactors and prediction of the evolution of their state variables. Mass balances to the different system types. 5. Mixing and stirring in bioreactors. 6. Mass transfer applied to the preliminary design of bioreactors. Aeration in bioreactors. 7. Scale-up / scale-down. 8. Bioprocesses applications: case studies. 9. Problem solving.
B. Practical component
Practical Lab works about bioprocesses.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Exame Escrito - 60.0%
  • - Exame Prático - 40.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - Componente Prática - 40.0%
  • - Componente teórica - 60.0%




BAILEY, JE – Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. US: McGraw Hill, 1986. ISBN: 0070032122

DORAN, PM – Bioprocess Engineering Principles. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 1995. ISBN: 0122208552

DUTTA, R – Fundamental of Biochemical Engineering. New Delhi: Springer, Ane Books India, 2008. ISBN 978-81-8052-202-4

FONSECA, MM; TEIXEIRA, JA – Reactores Biológicos: Fundamentos e Aplicações. Lisboa: Lidel edições técnicas, Lda., 2007. ISBN: 972-757-366-5.

LEE, J – Biochemical Engineering. [em linha]. Washinton: Prentice-Hall Inc., 2001, 17-07-2017 [data de consulta] Disponível em

NAJAFPOUR, GD – Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology. 1st Ed. The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2007. ISBN: 9780444528452

SHULER, ML; KARGI F – Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Processes. 2nd Ed. New York: Prentice Hall, 2001. ISBN-13: 978-0130819086