Base Knowledge
Noções introdutórias aos conceitos fundamentais da teoria estatística.
Teaching Methodologies
The curricular unit will be taught in a theoretical-practical format, in an active expository form, complemented with the discussion of research papers relevant in the field of Clinical Physiology. The evaluation of the curricular unit takes the form of a theoretical-practical work comprehending statistical analysis and interpretation, and a written test, within the framework of the Academic Regulation.
Learning Results
The student must acquire skills to understand the conditions underlying the applicability of the theoretical models used for statistical analysis, as well as to analyze and interpret the results obtained. Students should also be able to use the SPSS computer application or equivalent, and the RevMan program, to solve problems involving the concepts developed in the course.
The student must acquire the fundamental skills to carry out quantitative data analysis and to critically assess and properly interpret the results of an inferential study.
Reviews of fundamental concepts in basic statistics:
– Descriptive statistics
– Inferential statistics with hypothesis tests
– SPSS statistical software
Advanced statistical methods:
– Calculation of statistical power and sample calculation (GPower software)
– Univariate and multivariate linear regression
– Univariate and multivariate logistic regression
– Cox regression
– Survival analysis
– Time series analysis
– Factorial analysis
– Clustering methods
– Reliability analysis
– Multilevel regression and canonical regression
– Meta-analysis and meta-regression using the RevMan program
Curricular Unit Teachers
Bibliografia Primária:
Gouveia de oliveira (2009). Bioestatística, epidemiologia e investigação – teoria e aplicações, lidel.
Cecília moura silva (1994). Estatística aplicada à psicologia e ciências sociais, mcgraw-hill.
Gilda cunha, Mª do rosário martins, ricardo sousa, filipa ferraz de oliveira.(2007). Estatística aplicada às ciências e tecnologias da saúde, lidel.
João maroco (2003). Análise estatística com utilização do spss, edições sílabo.
Pedro marques vidal (2005). Estatística prática para as ciências da saúde, lidel.
Bibliografia Secundária:
Hair, J.F.; Black, W.C.; Babin, B.J.; Anderson, R.E.; Tatham, R.L. Análise Multivariada de Dados. 6.ª Edição. Porto Alegre: Bookman. 2009
Motulsky, H. “Intuitive Biostatistics – A Nonmathematical Guide to Statistical Thinking”. Completely Revised, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 2010.
Murteira, B.; Ribeiro, C.S.; Silva, J.A.; Pimenta, C. Introdução à Estatística. 2.ª Edição, McGraw Hill. 2007.
Oliveira, A. G. Bioestatística Descodificada: Bioestatística, Epidemiologia e Investigação. 2.ª Ed., Lidel: Lisboa, 2014.
Rosner, B. “Fundamentals of Biostatistics”. Sixth Edition, International Student Edition. THOMSON, Brooks/Cole, USA, 2006.