Base Knowledge
Biology I (a CU from the first semester)
Chemistry and Biochemistry I (a CU from the first semester)
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching-learning process is based on:
1. In the exposition by the teacher of contents related to the theoretical aspects of this curricular unit;
2. In the bibliographical research oriented on some topics of interest;
3. In carrying out practical laboratory work related to the subject;
4. In the oral presentation and discussion of the final research product.
The evaluation will be based on written tests, on reports of work carried out, on the presentation of discussion of reports.
Learning Results
1. Identification of microorganisms. To know the microbial diversity and the bases for the identification of microbial groups of major importance for the course.
2. Identification of plants. To know the vegetal diversity taking into account the morphological characteristics of the main taxonomic groups of vascular plants and taxonomic categories, with special emphasis of the plants with interest in the area of the course and to identify this last group.
Chapter 1. Bases of microbial taxonomy and systematics; Methods in microbiology and methods of microbial identification; Nutrition, growth and conditioning factors; Applied Microbiology.
Chapter 2. Introduction to Botany. Evolution of green algae to the most evolved Magnoliophyta. Adaptations of terrestrial plants. Plant Systematics. Botanical characterization of the main families of vascular plants with interest for the course. Plant morphology: root, stem, leaf, fruit, seed.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Prova escrita Teórico-Prática - 100.0%
- - Testes Teórico-Práticos e Relatórios - 100.0%
Basic bibliography
FERREIRA, W.F.C.; SOUSA, J.C.F.; LIMA, N. – Microbiologia. Lisboa. ed. Lidel, 2010. ISBN: 978-972-757-515-2.
FRANCO J.A.; Afonso M.L.R. Nova Flora de Portugal (Continente e Açores). Escolar Editora. Lisboa. Portugal. 1971-2003.
IZCO J. et al. Botânica. 2ª Edição McGraw-Hill- Interamericana de España. S.AU. 1998.
LIDON F.J.C.; Gomes H.P., Abrantes A.C.S. Anatomia e morfologia externa das plantas superiores. Lidel. Lisboa. 2001.
PELCZAR, M.; CHAN, E.; KRIEG, N. – Microbiology: Concepts and Applications. New York. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1993. ISBN 13: 9780070492585.
RAVEN, P.H.; EICHHORN, S.E.; EVERT, R.F. – Biologia Vegetal. 8ª ed., Guanabara Koogan. Rio de Janeiro, 2014. ISBN 978-85-277-2362-6 1.
Complementary Bibliography
ALCANTARA, F.; CUNHA, M.A.; ALMEIDA, M.A. – Microbiologia – Práticas Laboratoriais. 2ª ed., Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro. 2001. ISBN 9789727890385.
MARQUES-PINTO, C.; GALHARDO, M. – Trabalhos Práticos de Microbiologia. 3ª ed., Lisboa, Associação de Estudantes de Agronomia, Instituto Superior de Agronomia. 1989.
TAIZ, L.; ZEIGER, E. – Plant Physiology and Development. 6ª ed., Massachusetts, Sinauer Associates. 2015. ISBN-10: 1605353531.
VASCONCELOS J.C. – Noções sobre a morfologia externa das plantas superiores. 3.ª ed., Lisboa, Direcção-Geral dos Serviços Agrícolas. 1969.
WILLEY, J. M.; SHERWOOD, L.; WOOLVERTON, C. J. – Prescott’s Microbiology. 10ª ed., USA, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2017. ISBN-13: 978-1259281594.