Base Knowledge
Não aplicável
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical-practical classes, with execution of a set of practical works (in the forest area of the ESAC campus for data collection, use of the instruments and procedures for data collection, and in the classroom for information processing).
Tutorial guidance for monitoring learning and use of instruments.
Learning Results
The objectives of the curricular unit are reflected in the acquisition of two core skills:
1 – Knows the principles and techniques for measuring and/or quantifying the variables associated with forest resources;
2 – Knowledge of the procedures for stock and yield evaluation.
The syllabus for the acquisition of two skills described are divided into two learning modules:
Module 1 – Variables to be collected, measurements to be performed, data collection and information processing:
a) knowledge of dendrometric variables (diameter, basal area, height, stem shape, volume)
measurement processes and the equipment necessary for their determination;
b) knowledge of the main errors of measurement and observation;
c) use of equations and tables in biometrics.
Module 2 – Methods of sampling, sample plots installation and data collection:
a) knowledge of the role of sampling in the collection of biometric information;
b) use of sampling procedures and installation of inventory plots;
c) processing of data collected in the field.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Module 2 fieldwork and report - 50.0%
- - Evaluation Module 1- Test - 50.0%
– Almeida,V. V., Páscoa, F.e Silva R. (1983) Área Óptima das Parcelas de Amostragem. Notas Técnico-Científias nº 4/83, EFN, Lisboa.
– Autoridade Florestal Nacional (2009) Instruções para o Trabalho de Campo do Inventário Florestal Nacional – IFN 2005/2006. AFN, Lisboa.
– FAO (1981) Manuel d’Inventaire Forestier. Roma
– Forestry Commission (1988) Forest Mensuration Handbook. London.
– Forestry Commission (2006) Forest Mensuration: A Handbook for Practitioners, FC-HMSO, London.
– Hamilton, G. (1975) Forest Mensuration Handbook. Forestry Commission Booklet Nº 39, London.
– Laar, A., Akça, A. (2007) Forest Mensuration, Springer, Dordrecht.
– Oliveira, A.(1982) Teoria da Produção Florestal. CEF/INIC E/84-2, Lisboa.
– Páscoa , F., Silva, R e Tavares, M. (1981) Tabelas de Produção. Metodologia para a Instalação de Parcelas, Recolha e Tratamento dos Dados. Notas Técnico-Científicas nº3/81, EFN, Lisboa.
– Philip, M. (1994) Measuring Trees and Forests. CAB International.
– Salas, R., Houllier, F., Lemoine, B., & Pierrat, J. C. (1993). Représentativité locale des placettes d‘inventaire en vue de l‘estimation des caractéristiques dendrométriques de peuplement. Annales des Sciences Forestières. 50, 469-485.