
Base Knowledge

Mathematics (12th year); Physics and Chemistry (11th year)

Teaching Methodologies

3 hours of theoretical classes per week, where the professor exposes the discipline contents, while applying the physical concepts in relevant exemples.

1 theoretic-practical class of 1 hour per week, where students proceed to the discussed resolution of exercises of practical application formulated with the aim of clarifying and relate the subjects discussed in the theoretical component, with application to the specificity of Physiotherapy.

Learning Results

•Understanding of the theoretical principles of Biokinetics and Biomechanics and their application to human movement:
• Understanding of theoretical principles of Fluid Mechanics and its application in biological systems
• Understanding of the characteristics of different forms of energy and types of radiation, useful in

• Use of advanced knowledge of biophysics in understanding the underlying mechanisms and technology involved in physiotherapy
• Make individual decisions and in multidisciplinary environment in matters involving technical and scientific knowledge based on biophysics
• Develop the ability to deepen and expand knowledge in biophysics.


1 – Units and Measurement Systems
2 – Kinematics and the laws of movement
3 – Force: Newton laws
4 – Elasticity, tension e deformation
5 – Energy, power and metabolic speed
6 – Impulse and Linear Moment
7 – Torque and Equilibrium
8 – Rotacional Movement
9 – Fluid Mechanics
10 – Electricity fundamentals
11 – Electromagnetic radiation, heat and thermodynamics
12 – Physics principles of ultrassound

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Bibliography:

TIPLER e MOSCA, Física para Cientistas e Engenheiros (5ª ed.) – volume 2
Publisher: LTC – Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora Lda
Edition year: 2006

Secondary Bibliography:

Notes written by the professor
PEDROSO DE LIMA, Biofísica Médica
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Edition year: 2002

DURÁN, Biofísica – Fundamentos e Aplicações
Publisher: Makron Books / Prentice Hall
Edition year: 2003

IRVING P. HERMAN, Physics of the Human Body
Publisher: Springer Cham
Edition year: 2016