Body I

Base Knowledge

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Teaching Methodologies

In this curricular united the formation will be guided by the principle of integration of theoretical knowledge, in practice perspective of intervention that enables the interdisciplinary areas of specific activities. The theoretical-practical and practical-laboratory contents although organized separately, will be treated to form links between theoretical knowledge (exposure and dialogue), experimentation and observation / analysis.


Learning Results

1. Develop spontaneity of movement through body awareness by the experience and analysis of practical situations.
2. Acquire control of the body, in its entirety or segmental level, through practical exercises.
3. Develop perceptual, expressive and movement skills through the experience of content.
4. Understand the implications of body preparation on the body and movement.
5. Develop the observation and reflection skills on the performance of the body leading the capabilities to detect limiting factors and prescribe ways to overcome execution errors.
6. Develop creativity and imagination kinetic in order to use movement as a means of communication.


1. Understanding of basic anatomophysiology: muscular and skeletal systems, muscle structure and movement.
2. Bodily activities: exercises of image, perception of body, expression, communication and agility.
3. Alexander Technique: head, chest, pelvic and scapular girdle.
4. Posture, alignment and breathing (baseline Pilates work).
5. Activities perceptual-expressive corporal: find, recognize and feel the body; objects and body.
6. Techniques of body warming and relaxation.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Practical Component - 90.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Bossu, H. et al. (s.d.). A Expressão corporal. Método e prática. Entrelivros Cultural.
Colección Leonardo (2000). Anatomia para artistas. Italia: Vinciana Editora.
Geller, J. (Ed.) (2007). O corpo humano como nunca se viu. Premier exhibitions, Inc.
Iglesias, A. (2009). Manual de massagem.Arteplural.
Loui, A. (2009). The physical actor. Exercises for action and awareness. Routledge.
Pallant, C. (2006). Contact Improvisation: An Introduction to a Vitalizing Dance Form. Mcfarland & Company.
Rodríguez, J. (2005). Pilates. Editorial Libsa.
Schinca, M. (2002). Expresión corporal. Técnica y expresión del movimento. Cisspraxis,SA.
Macdonald, R. & Ness, C. (2007). Os segredos da Técnica Alexander. Evergreen.