Children’s Literature

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Collaborative and cooperative work, through pedagogical differentiation strategies, inverted class, with communication to the class, focusing on research, themes, content planning with proposals for materials and strategies to be used.
Dialogue with students about their beliefs and knowledge regarding Children’s Literature and its application in a school context.
Practical work of reading, analysis and handling and analysis of works of Children’s Literature.
The evaluation of this UC. is carried out by Examination and by Continuous Periodic Assessment.
Students who opt for continuous periodic assessment are exempt from examination if their classification is equal to or greater than ten.
The defined evaluation criteria will be:
1. Commitment and participation in classes – 10% weighting;
2. Construction of teaching resources – collaborative work, written and oral presentation – weighting of 40%;
3.Individual written work (frequency) – (50%).

Learning Results

1. Mastering the structuring concepts that underlie the field of children’s literature.
2. Discuss and seek to define the scope and main distinctive features of literature for children and youth.
3. Analyze the evolution of the concept of literature for children, the literary canon for children and young people, and provide a panoramic view of the history of children’s literature, from a national and international perspective.
4. Know the literature for childhood in its diversity.
5. Reflect on the status of the LIJ and its relations with the Oral and Traditional Literature and other non-canonical literary practices.
6. Understand the dynamics of the presence of literature in the 1st cycle and preschool regulatory documents.
7. Acquire reading skills at the plastic and literary level in the context of literature for children and explore the potential of NLP.
8. Implement, in the school context, diversified reading activities, based on works of children’s literature.


1. Conceptual delimitation of literature for children.
2. Diachronic view of literature for children, origin and evolution of children’s literature in Portugal and Europe.
3. Aspects that characterize the traditional Literature of oral transmission/Consecrated Literature.
3.2 Reflection on its importance in child development.
3.3 Identification of authors and illustrators
4. Album characterization and functions.
5. The Poetic text, identification of themes and forms of poetry for children.
6. Characteristics of the narrative text, for children.
7. Characteristics of the dramatic text and theatrical text, for children.
8.1. Curriculum guidelines in preschool education.
8.2. The student’s profile, essential learning and its relationship with LI.
9. P.N.L.
9.1. Analysis of activities proposed by the PNL and based on LI works, construction of suitable teaching materials for implementation in a school context.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Construction of teaching resources - 40.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%




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Bastos, G. (1999): Literatura Infantil e Juvenil, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta
Gomes, J. A. (2003): «O conto em forma(to) de álbum: primeiras aproximações» in Malasartes [Cadernos de literatura para a Infância e Juventude], nº 12, Novembro de 2003, pp. 3-6.
Pires, M. N. (2005): Pontes e Fronteiras. Da literatura tradicional à literatura contemporânea. Lisboa: Caminho.
Ramos, A. M. (2012). Tendências contemporâneas da Literatura para a infância contemporânea, Porto, Tropelias e Companhia
Ramos, M. H. S., Custódio, P. B. (2021). A formação de leitores no 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico: mudanças e novos rumos. ISBN:978-65-87035-57-4 (e-book). Disponível em
Rocha, Natércia (1984): Breve História da Literatura para Crianças em Portugal, Lisboa, ICALP.