Commercial and Consumer Law

Base Knowledge

N / A 

Teaching Methodologies

The planned teaching method will be exclusively student support in the form of office hours, as a new CTeSP edition was not open in the 23/24 academic year.

Learning Results

It is expected that at the end of the course each student will be able to:
a) qualify an act or an obligation as commercial.
b) distinguish and qualify a subject of a legal relationship as a trader.
c) qualify an organization as a company;
d) establish commercial companies;
e) know the organization and functioning of commercial companies;
f) identify the main rights and obligations of the members or shareholders;
h) identify the consumer rights foressen in the current legislation;
i) recognize general contractual clauses inserted in individual contracts and assess the terms of their use;
j) recognize unfair commercial practices in consumer relations;
k) identify essential public services and apply their most consumer-friendly legal regime;
l) identify consumers’ rights in the case of sale and guarantee of consumer goods.


Part I – Commercial law

1. The company and the law.

2. Companies and their legal entities.

3. Commercial companies.

Part II – Consumer Law

4. The legal regime applicable to consumer protection;

5. General contractual clauses;

6. Unfair commercial practices;

7. The law of essential public services;

8. Sale and warranty of consumer goods.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Evaluation by exam
  • - Exam - 100.0%
Evaluation by frequency
  • - 3 written tests [(3 x 100)/3] - 100.0%




Abreu, J. M. C. (2019). Curso de Direito Comercial (2 vols). Almedina.

Abreu, J. M. C. (2015). Estudos de Direito das Sociedades. Almedina.

Castro, C. S. (2005). Direito da Informática, Privacidade e Dados Pessoais. Almedina.

Correia, M. A. P. (2018). Direito Comercial – Direito da Empresa. Ediforum.

Pereira, A. D. (1999). Comércio electrónico na Sociedade da Informação: da segurança técnica à confiança jurídica. Almedina.

Silva, J. C. (2006). Venda de bens de consumo – comentário. Almedina.