Communication Skills

Learning Results

Develop skills in oral, written and audiovisual comprehension and expression.
Search, select and treat information for the preparation of technical-scientific reports.
Draw conclusions from the information presented.
Recognize the importance and know how to adapt the discourse in the elaboration of contents proper to the communication situation.


1. Basic principles of oral and written communication: similarities and differences.
2. Appropriate use of oral language and audiovisual media to speak in public and make oral presentations.
3. Notions about the specificity of written language in reporting.
4. Handling of technical files, recording and processing of information obtained through printed and online material.
5. Structure of the technical-scientific report: fundamental and accessory parts, differences between tables and figures and their identifications, concept of plagiarism, types of citations and reference modes, bibliographic identification standards, bibliographic identification,abstracts and keywords.
6. Writing and work: writing curricula, cover letters, application letters, concept and types of job interview.


Curricular Unit Teachers




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