Base Knowledge
Previous background knowledge on nutrition and animal feeding would be desirable .
Teaching Methodologies
In class expository methodology is adopted for the presentation of theoretical concepts. In parallel, there is a permanent monitoring of case studies and pratical examples offered for group discussion. Furthermore, analysis of scientific articles and search of elements and comparative data, as well as direct observation and assessment of grassland and forage crops farm installed in ESAC or other farms will allow the reinforce of the syllabus. Finally, the need for students to propose technical alternatives against hypothetical soil and climatic situations, objectives and farm conditions, allows them to exercise skills of practical application of the concepts
Learning Results
1. Understand digestion, metabolism and functions of nutrients in the animal body, as well as the nutritional value of foods, indications and restrictions on its use. 2. Develop feeding programs for different animal species, based on case studies.
Syllabus is organized in 2 modules:
Energy value of food and energy partition within the animal. Protein systems for ruminants and monogastrics. Nutritional value of foods, antinutritive and/or toxic substances. Trace mineral elements in animal feeding: metabolic acid-base balance. Food additives and growth-promotor substances. Metabolic profile: biochemical parameters in milk/blood to identify animal nutritional status. Dietary methods of control and manipulation of the nutritional value of animal products.
Characterization of a farm animal husbandry (cultural planning, soil and climatic conditions, food resources, livestock, production systems, productivity). Evaluation of farm food dependence based on food existing availability and livestock requirements. Drawing up of monthly food program with indication of eventual ways of supplementation.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Módulo1: teste escrito (70%) e elaboração, apresentação oral e discussão de uma monografia (30%) - 60.0%
- - Módulo 2: elaboração de relatório relativo ao caso de estudo (70%) e apresentação oral e discussão (30%) - 40.0%
- - Módulo1: exame escrito - 60.0%
- - Módulo 2: elaboração, apresentação oral e discussão de um relatório relativo a um caso de estudo - 40.0%
Cañeque,V.;Sancha,J.. Ensilado de forrajes y su empleo en la alimentation de rumiantes.Ed. Mundi-prensa. Madrid.1998
Drogoul,C.;Gadoud,R.;Joseph,M.;Jussiau,R.;Lisberney,.J.;Mangeol,B.;Monteméas,L.;Tarrit,A. Nutrition et alimentation des animaux delevage.Dijon:Educagri Ed.,2004
Garnsworthy,P.C.; Wiseman,J. Recent developments in ruminants nutrition.Nottingham University Press,2002.
INRA. Alimentation des bovins, ovins et caprins:besoins des animaux-valeur des aliments.Éd. Quae. Versailles.2007
McDonald, P.; Edwads, R. A.; Greehalgh, J. F. D.; Morgan, C. A., Sinclair, L.A & Wilkinson, R.G. Animal Nutrition, 7ª Ed. Edimburgh: Prentice Hall. 2011.
Moreira,N.;Fundamentos da produção de forragens e pastagens:morfologia e fisiologia do crescimento de gramíneas e leguminosas. Vila Real.1991
Pardo,M.;Ratera,G.;Praderas y forrajes: producción y aprovechamiento. 2ª Ed. Madrid.1991
ignau-Loustou,L.;Huyghe,C.;Stratégies fourragères:pâturage;ensilage;foin. Ed. France Agricole,2008