Comportamento Acústico e Higrotérmico de Edifícios

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

In classes, expository and inquisitive methods are used. During the approach to the programmatic issues, practical situations are exposed and their critical spirit and understanding are encouraged, with active participation in classes; students solve exercises individually or in groups.

Learning Results

Obtaining knowledge regarding the constitution and functioning of the various construction systems and their performance in relation to acoustic and hygrothermal behavior.

Acquisition of skills and competences in the design and construction of the various constructive elements that make up the buildings, influencing the thermal, hygrometric and acoustic behavior.


1. Introduction
Framework within the scope of training in the buildings component.

2. Acoustic behavior
General characteristics of the sound; Types of noise and their transmission. Acoustic isolation; Acoustic correction.
General noise regulation (RGR); Regulation of building acoustic requirements.

3. Hygrothermal behavior
Thermal transmission; Condensation and water vapor permeability.
Thermal comfort; Energetic balance.
Building humidity; Natural ventilation of buildings.
Passive solar energy.
Regulation of energy performance of residential buildings.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Apontamentos fornecidos pelo docente responsável.

Henriques, F. (2007). Humidade em paredes. Lisboa: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil.

Viegas, J. C. (2010). Ventilação natural de edifícios de habitação. Lisboa: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil.

Viegas, J. C. (Coord.) (2010). Ventilação e qualidade do ar interior. Lisboa: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil.

Santos, C., Matias, L. (2010). Coeficientes de transmissão térmica de elementos da envolvente dos edifícios-ITE 50. Lisboa: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil.

Portaria n. 349-B/2013 de 29 de Novembro. Regulamento de desempenho energético dos edifícios de habitação (REH). Diário da República n.º 232/2013 – 1.ª Série. Lisboa.

Roriz, L., Rosendo, F. L., Calhau, K. (2010). Energia Solar de Edifícios. Lisboa: Orion.

Patrício, J. (2010). Acústica nos edifícios. Lisboa; Verlag Dashofer.