Computer Technologies and Architecture

Base Knowledge

Basic concepts of programming, algorithms, and data structures.

Teaching Methodologies

The following teaching methodologies are used in this course:

1. Expository method: explanatory method where theoretical foundations and concepts are presented by the teacher and discussed with the class. Concepts and information will be presented to students through, for example, slide presentations or oral discussions. It will be used in classes to structure and outline the information.

2. Demonstrative method: based on the example given by the teacher of a technical or practical operation that one wishes to be learned. It focuses on how a given operation is carried out, highlighting the most appropriate techniques, tools and equipment. It will be used, for example, in practical and laboratory classes.

3. Interrogative method: process based on verbal interactions, under the direction of the teacher, adopting the format of questions and answers. It allows for greater dynamics in the classroom and consolidates learning. It will be used, for example, to remember elements of previous classes and in revisions of the lectured content.

4. Active methods: pedagogical techniques will be used in which the student is the center of the learning process, being an active participant and involved in his own training. The teacher assumes the role of facilitator, stimulating critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and student autonomy. They will be applied in classes to achieve a dynamic and more lasting learning environment.

Learning Results

At the end of the course unit the student should be able to:

1. Identify the future evolution of computers based on the knowledge of their evolution until today.

2. Identify the general architecture of computers.

3. Identify different techniques to increase the processing speed of applications, both in terms of hardware and software.

4. Use microcontrollers to acquire and control analog and digital signals as well as communicate the microcontroller with a computer. 


1. Brief history of computers

2. Review of fundamental concepts for computer architecture

3. General computer architecture

4. 80XXX architecture.

5. Organization and functioning of memory

6. Introduction to low-level programming

7. Introduction to application development for microcontrollers

Curricular Unit Teachers




Arroz, G., Monteiro, J. C., & Oliveira, A. (2007). Arquitectura de Computadores, dos Sistemas Digitais aos Microprocessadores. IST

Delgado , J., & Ribeiro, C. (2014). Arquitetura De Computadores. FCA.

Monk, S. (2019). Programming arduino next steps: Going further with sketches. McGraw-Hill Education.

Siek, J. (2023). Essentials of compilation: An incremental approach in python. The MIT Press.