Construção sustentável e edifícios inteligentes

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

The expected teaching methodologies include expository and inquisitive dynamics, as well as group discussion and problem solving, stimulating individual intervention and criticism. Research work and dynamic proposals and strategies will be developed to solve the problems addressed, as well as their written presentation and oral discussion.
The evaluation is carried out through carrying out practical work and/or an individual written Final Exam focused on the themes taught and / or through individual or group assignments. The student’s approval requires that must obtain at least half of the quotation in each component.

Learning Results

Learning methods for assessing sustainable construction and analyzing the life cycle of materials and constructive and structural solutions.
Acquisition of knowledge related to eco-efficient materials and sustainable construction systems, integrating the sector’s decarbonization logic.

Skills development in the sustainable rehabilitation of the built heritage, from materials to systems, including durability and reinforcement of buildings and structures.
Acquisition of knowledge on NZEB – Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, as well as on the efficient management of buildings and infrastructures.

Acquisition of knowledge related to the electromechanical systems that integrate the buildings, with a view to improving their efficiency, management and maintenance.
Identification and recognition of the characteristics of control technologies and building automation. Acquisition of knowledge about the systems underlying building automation.


1. Sustainable development Concept
Hist. evolution
2. Sustainable construction Concept
Guiding principles: Land occup., Energy, Water, Materials, Innovation
3. Sustainable constr. assessment methods


4. Life cycle analysis

5. Eco-efficient materials and decarbonization of the constr. sector
6. Sustainable construction systems: Eco-efficient and durable structures; preservation and durab. of buildings; garden roofs; prefabricated systems
7. Sustainable rehabilitation of the built heritage: Understanding of materials and constr. systems; rehab. and durability of buildings; eco-efficient reinforc. of structures
8. Energy: NZEB – Nearly Zero Energy Buildings
9. Efficient managem. of buildings and infrastructures: Lifting, HVAC and Central vacuuming equip.; Pumping stations
10. Building control and automation systems. Classical protocols and technol. for building control and automation. Use of industrial automation equip. (SCADA, HMI). Home automation solutions

Curricular Unit Teachers




BARLOW, Stuart – Guide to BREEAM. London : Riba Publishing, cop. 2011. 228 p., ISBN 978-1-85946-425-0 Charles J Kibert ,Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery, John Wiley & Sons. Jacqueline C . Vischer. Assessing Building. Performance. Ed. Wolfgang F.E. Preiser. (2005).
Sustainable Refurbishment, Sunil Shah, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-405-19508-9.
Daniel Bernstein et al. (2007) Traité de construction durable : principes détails de construction,, Éd. Le Moniteur, ISBN/ISSN/EAN: 978-2-281-11328-0.
Natividade-Jesus, E., et al. (2019). A Case Study Driven Integrated Methodology to Support Sustainable Urban Regeneration Planning and Management. Sustainability, 11(15), p.4129., DOI: 10.3390/su11154129. Natividade-Jesus, E., et al.. (2013). Housing evaluation with web-SDSS in urban regeneration actions. Proceedings of the ICE – Municipal Engineer. 166. 194-207. 10.1680/muen.12.00022.
KNX Handbook for Home and Building Control, KNX Association.