Learning Results
Develop competences on the several construction materials by transferring ok knowledge on the structure, production, behavior and applications of materials.
Know the most frequently used construction materials such as natural stones, ceramic materials, glasses, metals, woods, aggregates, binders, adjuvants, additions and concretes.
Understand how they are obtained and the manufacturing process of different types of construction materials.
Understand the main characteristics of the materials, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each one according to the application.
Learn how to determine, in the laboratory, some fundamental properties of materials.
Basic concepts
Evolution of materials; Physical quantities; Units; Mass, volumetric and mechanical characteristics.
Natural stones
Petrographic characterization of the main stones; Examples; Applications.
Ceramic materials
Raw material; Manufacturing processes; Products, characteristics, applications.
Types of glasses; Manufacturing techniques, characteristics, applications.
Ferrous and nonferrous metals; Reinforcing steel; Aluminum; Bronzes; Zinc; Copper alloys.
Classes of trees; Physical and mechanical properties; Applications; Engineered wood.
Binders, additives and adjuvants
Binders for mortars and concretes: types of binders, characteristics, applications; Additions: types of additions, characteristics, applications; Adjuvants: types of adjuvants, expected effects, applications.
Constituents; Composition and production; Physical and mechanical properties.
Constituents; Composition and production; Classification; Physical and mechanical properties
BAUER, L. A. Falcão. Materiais de Construção. Volume I e II. Livros Técnicos e Científicos Ed., Rio de Janeiro, 2000.
Manuais do Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro: Telhas cerâmicas; Alvenaria de tijolo; Revestimentos cerâmicos.
CACHIM, Paulo B., “Construções em madeira”, PUBLINDÚSTRIA, 2007.
D’ARGA E LIMA, “ARMADURAS – Caracterização, Fabrico, Colocação e Pormenorização”, LNEC, 1997.
LOURENÇO, Jorge; JÚLIO, Eduardo; MARANHA, Paulo – Betões de agregados leves de argila expandida. Lisboa: APEB, 2004.
LOURENÇO, Jorge, “Determinações de massas volúmicas de inertes e ligantes e de absorções e humidades de inertes”, ISEC / SIKA, 1992.
PATTON, “Materiais de construção”, EPU Lda, São Paulo.
SMITH, ANDRES , “Materials of construction”, McGraw-Hill International Editions.
Manual do vidro, Saint-Gobain.