Base Knowledge
Not applicable.
Teaching Methodologies
In Theoretical-Practical classes, the expository method is used when explaining theoretical issues and solving exercises in groups and individually.
Students must perform technical-scientific interpretation work and group research.
Tutorial classes are dedicated to clarifying doubts and monitoring the progress of the work’s resolution. In addition, students will be monitored, by clarifying theoretical doubts and solving exercises.
Learning Results
The main objective of the subject of Construction Materials I is to provide students with the necessary knowledge to describe and characterize the materials most used in construction.
Students must acquire the following skills:
•Know the different types of building materials;
•Know the main properties and characteristics of materials;
•Know how to obtain and/or manufacture materials;
•Know the main applications of different construction materials;
•Know how to define the criteria for choosing the most suitable materials;
•Know the type of standardization in force.
Interest of the discipline in the context of the Civil Engineering course. Various criteria for the classification of building materials. Physical quantities and units used.
1. Mass and volumetric characteristics
2. Mechanical characteristics
3. Thermal characteristics
4. Acoustic characteristics
1. Stone materials
1.1 Ornamental rocks
1.2 Ceramic materials
1.3 Glass
2. Metals
2.1 Metals in general
2.2 Steel products
2.3 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete
3. Organic materials
3.1 Woods
3.2 Polymers used in construction
3.3 Plastic foams
4. Composite materials
Curricular Unit Teachers
Smith, R. C., Andres, C. K. (2000). Materials of construction. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bauer, L. A. F. (2000). Materiais de Construção. Rio de Janeiro: Livros Técnicos e Científicos Ed.
Lourenço, J. (1992). Determinações de massas volúmicas de inertes e ligantes e de absorções e humidades de inertes. Coimbra: ISEC / SIKA.
Dias, A. B. (Ed.). (2009). Manual de Alvenaria de Tijolo. Coimbra: Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro.
Sousa, A. V. S., Silva, M., Abrantes, V. (Coords.). (1998). Manual de Aplicação de Telhas Cerâmica. Coimbra: Associação Portuguesa da Indústria de Cerâmica.
D’Arga, J. L. (1997). Armaduras. Caracterização, Fabrico, Colocação e Pormenorização. Lisboa: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil.
Cachim, P. B. (2007). Construções em madeira. Publindústria.
Lourenço, J., Júlio, E., Maranha, P. (2004). Betões de agregados leves de argila expandida. Lisboa: APEB.
Presentations of theoretical and practical classes.
Material provided by teachers during classes.