Base Knowledge
Not applicable.
Teaching Methodologies
Classes are theoretical-practical (TP)
In approaching the themes, audiovisual and digital media will be used to present the contents and examples that illustrate them, as well as practical cases and exercises to encourage active participation.
The pedagogical methods used will be: expository, interrogative and case study, enabling a practical, active approach with student interaction so that there is facilitation for the creation of ideas and confirmation of the learned content, as well as a strong approximation to the students. current organizational and market contexts.
Tools that facilitate learning and stimulate students will be used, using educational technology, such as: Kahoot, Socrative and Mentimeter, between others.
Learning Results
The purpose of this curricular unit is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge regarding consumption and the consumer and with techniques that allow them to understand consumer behavior and manage purchase decision processes.
The specific objectives are:
– Understand and interpret the sociological and psychological trends associated with consumption;
– Know and explain all the elements (internal and external) that motivate the consumer, distinguishing the way these elements act in the market;
– Understand consumer preferences and rational and emotional choice.
– Relate knowledge in the area of consumer behavior (theories and principles) with market-oriented management perspectives.
– Apply the necessary concepts to study and understand the consumer’s purchase decision-making process.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
– Know the behavior of the current consumer and the types of consumption;
– Recognize the internal and external conditions that explain consumer behavior;
– Identify the various types of purchase decision processes;
– Manage decision-making processes for purchasing products and/or services.
1. The study of consumer behavior
1.1. Importance of studying consumer behavior
1.2. The current consumer and types of consumption
1.3. Conceptualization of consumer behavior
1.2. the scientific principle
1.3. Theories of Consumer Behavior
2. Elements that influence the purchase
2.1. Internal constraints that explain consumer behavior
2.1.1. Psychological Factors
2.1.2. Personal Factors
2.2. External constraints that explain consumer behavior
2.2.1. Social Factors
2.2.2. Cultural Factors
3. The Purchase Decision Process
3.1. Characterization and steps
3.2. Types of purchase decision processes
4. Consumer behavior in services
Curricular Unit Teachers
Minor, M., Donovan, T., & Mowen, J. (2014) . Consumer behavior. England, McGraw-Hill Education – Europe
Schiffman, L., & Kanuk L. (2007). Consumer Behavior, 9th Edition.Pearson International Edition.
Solomon, M. (2016). O Comportameto do Consumidor: Comprando, possuindo e sendo. Eurobooks
Solomon, M., Russel-Bennett, R., & Previte, J. (2015). Consumer behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, 11th Edition. UK, Pearson Education.
Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S., & Hogg, M. (2010). Consumer Behaviour – A European Perspective, 4th Edition. UK, Pearson Education.