Contabilidade Financeira

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of Introduction to Accounting.

Teaching Methodologies

The following teaching methodologies are used in this curricular unit:

1) Verbal methods (say), making use of the following educational resources: exposition, explanation and dialogue;

2) Intuitive methodologies (show), making use of the following educational resources: demo, audiovisual texts and writings;

3) Active methodologies (do), making use of the following educational resources: individual and group work.

Learning Results

It is expected that at the end of the curricular unit (CU) each student is able to:

a) Recognize the role and importance of accounting as an information system and identify the accounting standards applicable to each entity, giving continuity to the general knowledge entering the CU Introduction to Accounting;

b) Identify, organize and perform all operations to period, including the closure of accounts in accounting terms;

c) Prepare, interpret and examining the different summary Financial Statements, so that they show, in a true and appropriate way, the equity and financial situation and the results obtained;

d) Recognize which pieces of financial reporting are required by law, as well as interpreting and identifying the problem of applying the results;

e) Operate in the accounting record of the patrimonial facts of incorporation of entities and changes in capital, assessing the impact on an entity’s equity;

f) Distinction of the concepts of dissolution and liquidation of entities, operating the consequent accounting records that arise therefrom.


I – Introduction

1. The entity and accounting

2. The accounting information system

3. International accounting harmonization process

4. National regulations and regulatory bodies

5. The Conceptual Framework

II – Assumptions underlying the EC of the SNC

1. Continuity

2. Addition regime

2.1. Deferrals

2.1. Additions

III – Operations end of period

1. Account regularization operations

2. Additions and deferrals of spending and income

3. Rectified balance sheet

4. Spending, income and result pre-tax income

5. Estimated income tax for the period

6. Result net for the period

7. Final or closing balance sheet

IV – Economic and financial Statements

1. Balance sheet

2. Statement of the results by nature

3. Statement of cash flows

4. Statement of changes in equity

5. Annex

V – Appropriation of profit and retained earnings

1. Distributable results

2. Limitations on the distribution of results

3. Application of results

4. Advance dividend

5. Concept and movement of the results carried over

6. Not frequent regularizations, errors and changes in accounting policies (NCRF 4

VI – Accounting and financial reporting

1. Concept

2. Presentation of entitys accounts

3. Mandatory financial statements

4. Complementary peces of the accounts

5. Accountability to the Tax Authority

6. Tax dossier

VII – Constitution of entities and capital modifications

1. Constitution of entities

2. Constitution spendings

3. Increase in share capital – its strands

4. Capital reinstatement

5. Reduction in share capital

6. Shares own

7. Other net worth instruments

VIII – Dissolution and liquidation of entities

1. Concepts

2. Derogation from the assumptions underlying the EC of the SNC

3. Recognition

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação por exame
  • - Prova escrita individual - 100.0%
Avaliação por frequência
  • - Prova escrita individual - 35.0%
  • - Prova escrita individual - 35.0%
  • - Prova escrita individual - 30.0%




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