Contemporary Dramaturgy

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methodologies:
– exhibition and discussion of the syllabus;
– examples of content exposed through the analysis of texts previously chosen.
– Dramaturgical experiences on short forms of contemporary dramaturgy.
Exclusively continuous evaluation (Art. 13.5 of theAcademic Regulation of 1st Cycle of studies at ESEC)
The participation in the class is mandatory. (Art. 2.2 of Acad. Regul. of 1st Cycle of studies at ESEC)
The evaluation system will be exclusively continuous.
. papers 80%
. active and stimulating participation in working groups carried out in the class 20%.
Conditions of acess to appeal or improvement examination (Art. 13.8 – Academic Regulation of the 1st Cycle of Studies at ESEC)
– presence in 50% of scheduled classes
– 8 values in the frequency evaluation

Learning Results

The student should be able to:
-identify the main lines of the contemporary stage writing beyond the absolute drama and primary model identified by Peter Szondi.
-recognize the main processes of the theatrical writing «dedramatisation» has been subject over the 20th and 21st century.
-develop a particular sensitivity to attempts at reinvention of the drama carried out by contemporary playwrights.


1.Naturalism and simbolism: a cross-road.
2.The crise of drama, according to Peter Szondi
2.1. The «absolute drama»
3. Between dramatic and epic.
4. Jean-Pierre Sarrazac and reinvention of drama.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 80.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%




ARISTÓTELES, Poética. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 2003.
DANAN, Joseph, O que é a dramaturgia?. Évora: Licorne, 2010.
LEHMANN, Hans-Thies, Teatro pós-dramático. Lisboa: Orfeu negro, 2017
RYNGAERT, Ler o teatro contemporâneo. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1998.
SARRAZAC, Jean-Pierre
2006 O futuro do drama. Porto: Campo das letras
2009 A Invenção da Teatralidade. Porto: Deriva Ed.
2011 O outro diálogo; elementos para uma poética do drama moderno e contemporâneo. Évora: Licorne
2017 Poética do Drama Moderno de Ibsen a Koltès. São Paulo: Perspectiva .
SZONDI, Peter, Teoria do Drama Moderno. São Paulo : Cosac & Naify Edições, 2001.
UBERSFELD, Anne, Os termos-chave da análise textual. Évora: Licorne, 2010.