Corporeality and Health

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The UC will be developed according to a theoretical-practical model with structured display of the contents and related analysis and discussion or debate. Use an interrogative and interactive methodology prior to the presentation of the main content and concepts, and demonstration/explanation of the same through its practical application in everyday situations and using, where appropriate, the audio-visual media. Will could include moments of work in small groups, with tutorial support. Students will be evaluated through 3 individual written assignment (each 1/3) about covered contents that reveals the extent and depth of the theoretical knowledge acquired in the course; the ability to reflect on that knowledge and identify solutions, alternatives and interventions in Health Education.
The assessment can also be done through a written exam during times designated for that purpose.

Learning Results

1) Acquire knowledge to understand the relationship between body image and health; the dysfunctional relationship with the body and eating behavior disorders.
2) Know the effects of a balanced and healthy nutrition and the importance of food education.
3) Understand and interpret human motricity and physical activity today.

Skills and Competencies to be developed: Development of critical analysis skills in relation to current health promotion programs, as well as the ability to develop innovative intervention strategies within the scope of health education, in the areas:
1) Prevention of Disorders of the Eating Behavior;
2) Promotion of a balanced and healthy nutrition;
3) Promotion of the practice of physical activity in a balanced and healthy way.


1 – Body image, physical and mental health. Disorders of eating behavior (mental anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders).
2 – Balanced diet as a health promoter (Functions of food and nutrients; Importance of food variety; Old and new habits).
3 – Body education (Recreational activities; Body education programs). Physical activity, physical exercise (Assumptions and consequences).

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%




Abood, D. A., & Black, D. R. (2000). Health education prevention for eating disorders among college female athletes. American Journal of Health Behavior, 24(3), 209-219.
de Oliveira Coelho, G. M., da Silva Gomes, A. I., Ribeiro, B. G., & de Abreu Soares, E. (2014). Prevention of eating disorders in female athletes. Open access journal of sports medicine, 5, 105.
O’dea, J. (2000). School-based interventions to prevent eating problems: First do no harm. Eating Disorders, 8(2), 123-130.
Levine, M. P., & Smolak, L. (2020). The prevention of eating problems and eating disorders: theories, research, and applications. Routledge.