Credibility and Trust in de Media

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be developed based on the following methodologies:
a) expositive classroom sessions of conceptual models
b) practical classroom sessions for analysis and discussion of empirical studies published
c) realization of some pratical works to be completed in time extra-curricular (and under the guidance of teaching staff).
Continuous assessment: a) Frequency test – 25.0%, b) Classwork – 25.0%, c) Individual and/or Group Work – 50.0%
Assessment by exam: Individual written test – 100.0%

Learning Results

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1) Recognize the importance of the phenomena of perception of credibility and trustworthiness of communication agents, particularly in the field of Social Communication;
2) Know the difference between the specificities of the processes of building trust in people, organizations and institutions;
3) Understanding the intrinsic difficulty of the processes of building trust and how easily it can be destroyed;
4) Know and apply scientific knowledge gained from research in the field of mediated social communication.


1) Delimitation of the phenomena described by the concepts of ‘credibility’, ‘trust’, ‘distrust’, ‘perception of (un)trustworthiness’;
2) The classical studies on the perceived credibility of the agents of communication;
3) Analysis of conceptual models on the phenomenon of (dis) trust and (un) trustworthiness in contexts of interaction and / or communications;
4) The building of trust in people, organizations and institutions;
5) Synthesis empirical studies, with special emphasis on those who take for reference the on-line communication;
6) Implications and applications in interpersonal communication and organizational

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Frequency - 25.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 25.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Adler, R. B., Rodman, G., & duPré, A. (2014). Understanding human communication. Oxford University Press.
Cerdeira, J. P., & Ribeiro, V. C. (2022). Confiança e consumo de conteúdos de comunicação. A dependência dos meios digitais e de comunicação social. Comunicação Mídia e Consumo, 19(54), 172-194.
Cerdeira, J. P. (2010). O valor da confiança na definição da cultura organizacional: algumas considerações gerais. Exedra: Revista Científica, (3), 125-134.
Cerdeira, J. P. (2018). Confiança, confiabilidade e ética: podem as empresas aprender alguma coisa com Aristóteles?. Organicom, 15(29), 89-100.
Navarro, L., Gasalla, J. M. (2007). Confiança. A chave para o sucesso pessoal e empresarial. Integrare Editora Ltda
Pornpitakpan, C (2004). The persuasiveness of source credibility: A critical review of five decades’ evidence. J of Applied Social Psychology, 34, 243–281