Base Knowledge
Biology I, Introduction to biotechnology, Biology II, Anatomy, phyisiology and histology animal
Teaching Methodologies
In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and the acquisition of the respective competences by the students, the teaching and learning process is based on the following teaching methodologies:
a) Lectures of theoretical / practical classes;
b) Execution of practical works of cell culture in the laboratory and in the classroom by simulation;
c) Bibliographic research, article analysis and presentation of papers.
Learning Results
Animal cell culture is an important technique in many laboratories of molecular biology, development biology and biotechnology. It is a technique that is becoming increasingly important in research in the field of biology, tissue replacement therapy, therapeutic proteins and others. This technique allows animal tissue models to be constructed and used as alternatives to experimentation on live animals.
The learning objectives of this UC are intended to provide the student who has successfully completed the following competencies:
1) Have understanding of animal cell culture techniques and the functioning standards of a cell culture laboratory;
2) To know the constituents of the culture medium and strategies of formulation of culture media for animal cells;
3) Understand the aseptic techniques of manipulation and maintenance in the culture of animal cells;
4) To know the applications of cell culture techniques in both animal health and breeding.
Module 1: Introduction to Animal Cell Culture
1.Introduction – History of Animal Cell Culture (CCA). Advantages and limitations. Types of tissues used in cell culture. Applications of the technique.
2. Ideal environment for the culture of animal cells: conditions and equipment’s required and cell culture laboratory design.
3. Mediums necessary for the culture of animal cells: formulation and preparation.
4. Classification and basic characteristics of cell culture: culture of primary cells and secondary cells; organotypic and histotypic cell cultures.
5. Growth and maintenance of cells in culture
6. Contamination of Cell Cultures: types of contamination, their identification and control. Problem solving.
Module 2: Animal cell culture methodologies, characterization and applications
1. Methods for cell line characterisation.
2. Cell differentiation process: transformation and immortalization of cells.
3. Cryopreservation of animal cells and stem cells.
4. Stem cells: characterisation, processing and reprogramming.
5. Specialised Cell Culture: epithelial, mesenchymal, neuronal, hematopoietic, gonad cell culture.
6. Applications of cell culture in research: nutrition studies, toxicology, therapeutic effects, vaccine production and growth hormones and studies on transgenic animals.
7. Tissue and organ engineering
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Componente teórico (escrita) 75% + Componente prática (escrita ou laboratório) 25%. Ambos os módulos têm uma ponderação de 50%. - 100.0%
- - CF = (40% nota do teste módulo 1+ 40% nota do teste módulo 2 + 20% nota do trabalho) - 100.0%
BUTLER Michael, Animal Cell Culture and Technology, 2nd Edition, Garland Science Publishers: New York, 2003, ISBN: 9781859960493
CLYNES Martin, Animal cell culture techniques, Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998, ISBN: 978-3-540-63008-1; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-80412-0
FRESHNEY R. Ian. Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 5th ed., Published by John Wiley & sons Inc, Hoboken, New Jersy USA. 2005. ISBN-13 978-0-471-45329-1
LANZA Robert, Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, 2nd Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-12-374729-7