Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The first part of the class tend to be more theoretical exposure of the subject to be taught. However, codes of ethics and conduct and ethical rules in several study will be followed by discussion and, consequently, by the detailed analysis of specific cases (gathered from trade associations), among national and international media. Students will be called to participate actively making this discipline theory and practice. According to this scheme, the assessment process will include knowledge of: I. A Theoretical Assessment Test (50% of the final grade); II.Practical Group Work(s), to be presented in class and in writing, based on proposed themes (50% of the final grade). By Final Exam, students must enroll within the deadlines established by ESEC for this purpose.
Learning Results
a) To know the fundamental principles of professional ethics of journalists b) acknowledge the operation of a media organization and its implications in the daily practice of the journalistic activity c) Understanding the importance and meaning of a code of ethics for the profession even before the external regulation of the activity d) Learn and understand the scope of the professional autonomy in media
I. Ethics and Professional Conduct II. The Ethics of The Portuguese Journalists III. Safeguards to Journalistic Autonomy IV. The conditions of daily work in the journalistic field and to which they are subject in the exercise of their activity.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Practical works presented in class and in written form - 50.0%
- - Written test - 50.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Cornu, Daniel (2000), Jornalismo e Verdade, Lisboa: Edições Piaget.
Fidalgo, Joaquim (2009), O lugar da ética e da auto-regulação na identidade profissional dos jornalistas, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Garcia, J. L., Graça, S. M. (2021), “O capitalismo de plataforma e o jornalismo sob a ameaça da tecno-mercantilização da informação (reloaded)”, in Matos, J. N.; Subtil, F. e Baptista, C. (org.). Os três “D” dos media: Desigualdade, Desprofissionalização e Desinformação. Odivelas: Outro Modo, pp. 42-54.
Garcia, José Luís, org. (2009), Estudos Sobre os Jornalistas Portugueses. Metamorfoses e Encruzilhadas no limiar do Século XXI, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
Graça, Sara Meireles (2007), Os Jornalistas Portugueses: Dos Problemas de Inserção aos Novos Dilemas Profissionais, Coimbra, Minerva Coimbra
Códigos de Ética e Deontologia & Declarações de Princípios
Mesquita, Mário (2003), O Quarto Equívoco. O Poder dos Media na Sociedade Contemporânea, Coimbra, Minerva Coimbra.