Design II

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

19.1 The methodological choices will focus on three key educational components: oral presentation oriented to the estimated contents; study and presentation of works/ productions and their authors; work development under the teacher guindance.
19.2 Given the specificity of this curricular unit and in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 13 of RCFI, it requires that the student ensure minimal presence in 8 of the total number of classes, attending him the right to conduct exam if he didn’t obtain approval by frequency.

Learning Results

16.1 Dominate the specific concepts, principals and terminology of the product and equipment design; 16.2 Comprehend, analyse and develop the critical analysis skill on theory or practical studies in the scope of the product while a design object;
16.3 Develop projects in the scope of product and equipment design according to necessary resources the right application of method practises on product and equipment design.


17.1 Product and equipment design
17.1.1 General principals of product design 17.1.2 Ergonomic and anthropometric concepts 17.1.3 Studies of the product architecture
17.2 The product as an object of design 17.2.1 Conception and materialization 17.2.2 Materials and new options
17.2.3 Case study
17.3 Method practise on product design
17.3.1 The lay-out and the execution of the product
17.3.2 Life cycle of the product
17.3.3 Predominance/relation of the product with space

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Outside Classroom Component - 50.0%
  • - Classroom component - 50.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Exercise 3 - 50.0%
  • - Exercise 1 - 15.0%
  • - Exercise 2 - 35.0%




Anna, M. (2014). Love Objects, Emotion, Design And Material Culture; London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Baxter,M. (2010). Projeto de Produto, Guia Prático Para o Design de novos Produtos. São Paulo : Blucher

Baxter,M. (2010). Projeto de Produto, Guia Prático Para o Design de novos Produtos. São Paulo : Blucher

Burdek, B. (2011). Design – História, Teoria e Prática do Design de Produtos. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blucher LTDA

Hara, K. (2008). Designing Design. Baden: Lars Muller Publishers

Lidwell, W. & Holden K. & Butler J. (2011). Principios universales de diseno. Barcelona: Blume

Paschoarelli,L. & Silva,P. (2013). Design ergonômico: estudos e aplicações. Bauru, SP: Canal 6 editora

Sudjic, D. (2009). The language of things: understanding the world of desirable objects. London: Penguin

Ussmane, M.H. (2013). Inovação e criatividade: manual do desenvolvimento de produto. Lisbos: Edições Sílabo

Vilar, E.T. (2014). Design et al: Dez prespectivas contemporâneas. Alfragide: Dom Quixote