Design Workshop

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

6.1 The methodological choices will focus on three key educational components: oral presentation oriented to the estimated contents; study and presentation of works/ productions and their authors; work development under the teacher guindance.
6.2 Given the specificity of this curricular unit, the student must ensure the minimum presence in 40 hours of contact (classes), assisting him, in this condition, the right to take an exam, if he has not obtained approval by continuous evaluation.
Evaluation components and weights
Evaluation continues:
The papers to be carried out will be a maximum of 5 and the evaluation will comply with criteria that will be explained in the statements and/or other elements presented, according to the following components and weights in the overall evaluation:
– Theoretical Component (group work) – 25%;
– Theoretical-Practical Component (individual projects)
– 25%; – Practical Component (individual projects) – 50%.
Theoretical – 35%; Practical – 65%

Learning Results

3.1 To understand and develop tools of design planning in product/equipment design;
3.2 To develop procedures and explore oficinal techniques, from the briefing to the final prototyping and market launch;
3.3 To develop strategies of conception, development and production of solutions in product/equipment design.


4.1 Planning and design of product or equipment in workshop
4.1.1 Structure, phases and actions – planning instruments
4.1.2 Interconnection between tasks and dependencies
4.1.3 Analysis and definition of necessary resources
4.2 Procedures and exploitation of Officinal techniques
4.2.1 Experimentation – from idea to final product
4.2.2 Construction and production techniques – handmade
4.2.3 Prototype, packaging and production manual
4.3 Strategies for design, development and production of solutions
4.3.2 Briefing and post-briefing
4.3.3 Design applied in real context
4.3.3 Evaluation of processes and products

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Theoretical component - 25.0%
  • - Practical component - 50.0%
  • - Theoretical and practical component - 25.0%
  • - Practical component - 65.0%
  • - Theoretical component - 35.0%




Anna, M. (2014). Love Objects, Emotion, Design And Material Culture; Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Anserson, S. (2011). Seductive Interaction Design.New Riders.
Burdek, B. (2006). Design – história, teoria e prática do design de produto. Birkhauser.
Castillo, J. & Villena, J. (2005). Ergonomia – Conceitos e Métodos. Dinalivro.
Dupon, O. (2011). The new artisans. Thames & Hudson.
Gorp, T. & Adams, E. (2012). Design for Emotion. MK publications.
Hara, K. (2008). Designing Design. Lars Muller Publishers.
Kolko, J. (2018). Do design thinking ao design doing: Como usar a empatia para criar produtos que as pessoas amam. M.Books
Lidwell, W. & Holden K. & Butler J. (2011). Principios universales de diseno. Blume.
Null . R. (2013). Universal Design: Principles and Models. CRC Press Perdigão, T. & Calvet, N. (2001). Tesouros do Artesanato Português. Editorial Verbo.
Phillips, P. (2009). Briefing: a gestão do projeto de design. Editora Blucher.