Development and Education

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methods have a theoretical and practical carather. The focus is, however, the research and discussion of the various syllabuses by the students with guidance and supplement the teacher.

Students can choose one of the following modalities: continuing assessment or final exam assessment

Continuing assessment:
Continuing evaluation will have a component based on individual and/or group works, and on class participation, with a weighting of 40% and another component consisting of the writing of an individual article, with a weighting of 60%
Assessment by exam:
Individual written test – 100.0%
Evaluation by exam consists of an individual written test. Students who score more than 9.5 points will pass the exam. Students who score between 7.5 and 9.4 will have the right to take an oral test, and the final grade will correspond to the average of the classifications obtained.

Learning Results

Understand and analyze theoretical models and conceptual constructs related to development;
Know how to analyze issues that are particularly relevant to the intelligibility of the current framework of the dominant political and economic system and to reflect on the new approaches proposed for the (re)conceptualization of development;
Understand and relate the economic, social, environmental and political factors of development in a perspective of sustainability;
Understand the importance and global-local relationship for sustainable development;
Know how to operate the key concepts in order to grasp and study the phenomenon of development at different scales: local, regional, national, European and global;
Understand the education-development relationship in the dual aspect of education as a consequence of development and development factor;
Understand the importance of education for local and global sustainable development.


1.1 Paradigms on development
1.2 Development and globalization
1.3 Contrast in development; global inequalities
1.4 The Emergence of New Development Concepts
2.1 Concept, principles and dimensions of Sustainable Development
2.1 Sustainable development at various scales: from global to local
2.3 Policy Instruments for Sustainable Development
3.1 Relationship education – development: historical perspective; holistic perspective
3.2 Scope of Education-Development
3.3 Education for local and global sustainable development

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Scientific Article Writing - 60.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Amaro R. R. (2017) Desenvolvimento ou pos-desenvolvimento? Des-envolvimento e… noflay. Cad. de Est. Af. n.34. p.75-111CMAD
(W.C.E.D.) (1991). O nosso futuro comum. Lisboa: Meribérica / Liber.
Costa, A. (2012). Desigualdades sociais contemporâneas. Lisboa: Editora Mundos Sociais
Giddens, A. (2002). O mundo na era da globalização. Lisboa: Ed. Presença.
Gomez, J. et al. (2008). Educação e Desenvolvimento Comunitário Local. Porto: Profedições.
Rostow, W. W. (1966). Etapas do desenvolvimento económico. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editores.