Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
In this UC there will be:
1. Analysis, interpretation and discussion of documents, encouraging reflection, sharing and stimulating critical attitudes;
2. Exploration of didactic situations for teaching experimental science in the 2nd CEB, giving rise to the deepening and / or reconstruction of scientific and curricular knowledge;
3. Production, implementation and evaluation of practical, laboratory and experimental activities for the teaching of science from 10 to 12. In the evaluation are considered the individual performance in class, through attendance, punctuality, participation and motivation (20%) along with evaluation of experimental, individual and group activity planning (40%) as well as its implementation in the classroom, involving communication and debate (40%). These aspects are valued as structure and organization of information, adequacy to the recipients and objectives of the work, language, quality of scientific information and critical attitude. Exam – written (100%).
Learning Results
Recognizing the importance of the need for Didactics in the grounds of their educational practices;
Plan, develop and evaluate basic experimental practices with children from 10 to 12, mobilizing knowledge and skills of Physical and Natural Sciences using methodologies that emphasize learning to allow the children an active role in constructing their own knowledge.
1. Science Education and Experimental Teaching of Science : frameworks and methodologies.
2. Experimental Sciences in curriculum of 2nd CEB.
3. Teaching practices in Experimental Sciences:. exploration of didactic situations;. production, implementation and evaluation of experimental activities for the teaching of science in the 2nd CEB;
4. Transversal areas and Didactics of Experimental Sciences.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
- - Work Presentation and Discussion - 40.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Bianchi, L., & Feasey, R. (2011). Science: beyond the classroom boundaries. for 7-11 year olds. London: McGraw-Hill.
Cianca,S.(2020).Teaching Elementary STEM Education
Unpacking Standards and Implementing Practice-Based Pedagogy. Routledge.
Gillies, R.M. (2020).Inquiry-based Science Education.CRC Press.
Howe, A., Davies, D., McMahon, K., Towler, L., & Scott, T. (2005). Science 5-11: a guide for teachers. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Martins, I., Veiga, L..,Teixeira, F., Vieira, C., Vieira, R., Rodrigues, A., & Couceiro, F. (2006). Educação em Ciências e Ensino Experimental. Formação de Professores. Coleção Ensino Experimental das Ciências. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC.
Perales Palacios, J., & Cañal, P.[dir.] (2000). Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales. Alcoy: Marfil.