Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical-practical classes will seek to stimulate and encourage the students’ participation and reflection toward the development of the concepts addressed in the program and their teaching, using, whenever possible, problematic situations and experiments within the classroom, thus benefiting from a wide variety of manipulative artifacts, concretes and virtuals. Texts will be provided to students for reading and reflection, which may be subject of discussion and / or presentation.
The assessment in this CU will be performed by students in one of two ways:
a) Continuous assessment: one written test, quoted from 0 to 7 values (35%); a group work, quoted from 0 to 6 values (30%); participation in classroom tasks, quoted, in total, from 0 to 5 values (25%); individual reflection, quoted from 0 to 2 values (10%).
b) Assessment by exam.
Learning Results
To analyze the curriculum orientations of Mathematics Childwood and Basic Education, BE.
– To acknowledge the different perspectives on teaching and learning theories for Education in Mathematics.
– To develop didactic knowledges on mathematics (to learn how to teach Mathematics)
– To understand the learning of future students
– To analyze and develop tasks for mathematics classes, from Preschool to 2nd cycle BE.
– To develop the ability for analyzing and reflecting on the teaching and learning mathematics situations and mathematical errors of the children.
– The curriculum of Mathematics in Basic Education. Curricular Goals. Curriculum Guidelines for Pre-School Education.
– Teaching and learning theories in Mathematics Education. Communication in Mathematics Education.
– Problem Solving and “Problem Posing” in Mathematics. The role of context in the evaluation of problems in Mathematics.
– The teaching/learning of Mathematics – reflection and deepening of mathematical concepts as a starting point for the respective didactic development. Dialogue between theory and practice in Mathematics Education. Emphasis on developing:
. pre-numerical activities;
. number and operations; estimation; mental calculation;
. Geometry and Measurement;
. Algebra;
. Organization and processing of data.
– Interactions in the classroom – theoretical perspectives of interaction in the mathematics classroom; work in small groups; the language of the classroom.
– Assessment for and of learning.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Individual reflection - 10.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
- - Frequency - 35.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 25.0%
APM. Desenvolvendo o sentido do número: Perspectiva e exigência curricular. (Vol.I e Vol.II). APM.
– Canavarro, A. (coord.) (2021). Aprendizagens Essenciais. Direção Geral da Educação.
-GTI. (2005). O professor e o desenvolvimento curricular. APM.
– Ma, L. (2009). Saber e Ensinar Matemática Elementar. Gradiva.
– Martins, F. e outros (2017). Educação Pré-Escolar e Literacia Estatística – A criança como investigadora. Psicosoma.
– Martins, E. et al. (2007). Análise de Dados. DGIDC.
– Muñoz-Catalán, M. C., & Yáñez, J. C. (Eds.) (2018). Didáctica de las Matemáticas para maestros de Educación Infantil. Ediciones Paraninfo.
– National Research Council (2001). Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics. The National Academies Press.
– NCTM (2014). Princípios para a Ação: assegurar a todos o sucesso em matemática. APM (tradução em 2017).
– Parker, T. H. & Baldridge, S. (2004). Elementary Mathematics for Teachers. Sefton-Ash Publishing.
-Silva, I., Marques, L., Mata, L., & Rosa, M. (2016). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Ministério da Educação.