Didactics of Mathematics II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The lectures will be of theoretical and practical nature, they will look for provoking and promoting in the pupils the participation and reflection about the mathematical concepts and processes. It can resort, if it is suitable, to the use of teaching and learnig contexts related to the second cycle mathematics of Basic Teaching, very often, they were found in mathematics education researchs.
The methods will be various such as: exposition, discussion and critical analyses, offer of tasks. Colaborative pratices will be promoted. The assessment will respect the provisions of the Rules of the Higher School of Education, so that students can choose between two modes of assessment:
a) Assessment through frequency
– one test, quoted from 0 to 7 values;
– a small group work, quoted from 0 to 6 values;
– participation in class task, quoted in total from 0 to 5 values;
– individual reflection, quoted from 0 to 2 values.
b) Assessment through final exam

Learning Results

– To know the mathematics thinking processes and the mathematics ideas suitable to elementary school; connections with and in mathematics;
– To develop and stimulate mathematical reasoning processes: since unitizing, to compose and decompose, to relate and order, to look for patterns and structures to organize information and iteration and generalization processes;
– To reflect about teaching and learning situations and mathematics errors of children.
– To analyse and constructing learning sequences for children (9-12 years old) about central mathematics ideas, consistent with the thinking and the development of the child and mathematics curriculum for Second cycle of Basic Education and goals of learning;
– To develop proficiency in teaching, helping the future teachers of Second cycle Basic Education to understand: the mathematics that are going to promote, how children learn and facilitating that learning.


-Pedagogical content knowledges and curricular knowledge for the following topics will be examined: rational number; geometry, spatial sense and measurement; patterns/algebraic thinking; representation and data analysis. Methods for presentation the main mathematics ideas. Goals of learning.
-Learning trajectories for second basic teaching cycle for different topics. Contexts for those teaching and learning processes. To study and to plane lessons and adequate methods for representing mathematics ideas. To analyse, observe and to reflect upon math teaching.
The math tasks, the problems solving and the strategies for solving them. The math manuals and manipulatives in teaching and learning of mathematics.
The assessment, different aims and formats. Assessment and learning theories. Implementing formative assessment in math classroom.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 25.0%
  • - Individual reflection - 10.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
  • - Frequency - 35.0%




Canavarro, A. (coord) (2021). Aprendizagens Essenciais. Direção Geral da Educação.
Galen, F. et all (2005). Fractions, Percentages, Decimals and Proportions. Sense Publishers.
GTI (Ed.) (2017). A prática dos professores: Planificação e discussão coletiva na sala de aula. APM.
Hansen, A. (2008). Children´s errors in Mathematics. Learning Matters.
Hart, L., Alston, A. & Murat, A. (2011). Lesson study research and pratice in Mathematics Education. Springer.
Lamon, S. (2020).Teaching Fractions and Ratios for Understanding. Routledge
Lerman, S. & Davis, B. (2009). Mathematical Action & Structures of Noticing. Sense Publishers.
NCTM (2014). Princípios para a Ação: assegurar a todos o sucesso em matemática. APM (tradução em 2017).
Parker, T. H. & Baldridge, S. (2004). Elementary Mathematics for Teachers. Sefton-Ash Publising
Parker, T. H. & Baldridge, S. (2008). Elementary Geometry for Teachers. Sefton-Ash Publisinge