Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
This CU is guided with master lock to didactic training component that includes skills and knowledge relating to expressions’s teaching. The contents will be developed focusing on experimentation, observation and analysis, in order to establish its connections with educational technical knowledge from the expression areas in the field of educational activities.
This CU, eminently practical, has the exclusively continuous assessment modality [100% = 20 values] considering the items:
1. Theoretical-practical assessments (90.0%, 22.5% by EXPRESSION).
2. Presential participation (10.0%, 2.5% by EXPRESSION).
Note: for approval, the student must have a minimum of 40% in each EXPRESSION.
Under point 8 of the 13th article of the Academic Regulations of the 1st Cycle of Studies of the ESE-IPC, the student must comply with the same previous specific conditions for access to the exam.
The exam consists of a theoretical evaluation: test (100%).
Learning Results
– Knowing, implement and evaluate teaching and learning processes in Drama activities.
– Understand the importance of interaction between school activities and theatrical experience.
– Dominate the theoretical and practical knowledge of motor activity of the child, through experience and analysis of many practical situations.
– Develop intervention skills in motor education.
– To dominate pedagogical-didactic skills from the perspective of their thinking and researching on teaching practice.
– Be able to prepare, conduct and evaluate teaching-learning situations in music expression context.
– Acquisition of knowledge centered on curricular field of plastic expression, in order to in order to develop disciplinary and interdisciplinary activities.
– Develop of skills oriented to the promotion of methodologies and to the didactic-pedagogic resources, as well as to the evaluation practices.
– The Dramatic Expression/Theater and the holistic development.
– Methodological perspectives of approach of Dramatic Expression in Preschool and Elementary School: the structure of the class (possible variants).
– Pedagogy of motor education: educational intervention techniques; the lesson plan; objectives and contents of the lesson – analysis and selection; time of motor task.
– Organization and exploration of pedagogical situations.
– Philosophy and methodological approaches of music expression.
– Learning development and teaching sequencing in rhythmic, melodic and hearing education.
– Planning, implementation and evaluation of musical activities.
– Plastic Expression in the school curriculum.
– Stages of infantile designs and graphics.
– Methodologies and didactic-pedagogic resources.
– Evaluation in plastic expression.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Theoretical-practical assessments - 90.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Cruz, S., Carvalho, L., Rodrigues, I., Mira, J., Fernandes, L., & Brás, J. (1997). Manual de Educação Física. 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Câmara Municipal de Oeiras.
Gordon, Edwin. (2000). Teoria de aprendizagem musical: competências, conteúdos e padrões. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Hargreaves, D. J. (2002), Infancia y Educación Artística. Ediciones Morata.
Huidobro Valdés, M. V. G. (2008), Pedagogía Teatral: metodología ativa en el aula. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Pierón, M. (1996). Formação de professores: aquisição de técnicas de ensino e supervisão pedagógica. Edições FMH-UTL.
Siedentop, D. (1998). Aprender a enseñar la Educación Física. INDE.
Swanwick, Keith (1996). A basis for music education. London: Routledge.
Valhondo, A. ; López, S. (2002) Didactica de la Expressión Plástica en Educación Infantil. Universidad de Oviedo.