Didactics of Portuguese II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

According to Article 32 of the Academic Regulation of the 2nd Cycle of Studies of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, this curricular unit, due to the nature of the defined competences, students can choose the modality of continuous assessment, according to the following criteria and procedures:

Continuous assessment – Production and presentation in class, of two individual works on two programmatic domains chosen by the student:

Work Nr. 1-50.0%

Work Nr. 2- 50.0%

However, in case the student intends to take the exam, he/she must fulfill two specific conditions:

a) the 1st, to be submitted to a theoretical proof of the contents taught throughout the semester (25%) and

b) 2nd, to prepare a plan of a practical task from a text and /or a work project included in the test paper (75%).

These conditions apply, with the same configuration, to all exam periods, in accordance with Articles 35 to 39.

Learning Results

1. Know how to promote the acquisition of discursive skills;
2. Encourage the acquisition and development of textual competence;
3. Identify the necessary process of reading comprehension skills;
4. Recognize the criteria for choosing the textual corpus;
5. Characterize and identify the skills in reading comprehension process;
6. Select strategies to promote understanding;
7. Adapt grammatical knowledge to teaching practices;
8. Understand the modes of use of linguistic-grammatical terminology;
9. Comment texts of varying types from the perspective of teaching grammar;
10. Planning teaching units, classes and activities in the 1st and 2nd cycle of Basic Education;
11. Build instruments and tools and teaching materials in the PML field;
12. Critically appreciate the manuals and other teaching materials available;
13. Develop assessment instruments and tools for the various fields of PML teaching and education.


1. Planning of teaching units, classes and activities for the 1st and 2nd cycle of Basic Education
1.1. Orality
1.2. Reading
1.5. Reading literary texts
2. Construction of instruments and teaching materials in the PML domain
3. Critical appraisal of manuals and other teaching materials
4. Construction of assessment instruments for the various domains of PML teaching
5. Teaching units in a micro-teaching regime.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%
  • - Exam - 25.0%
  • - Practical Task's Plan - 75.0%




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