Digital Systems

Base Knowledge

No background knowledge is required.

Teaching Methodologies

Pedagogical methods: lectures, critical judgment, exercises and problems, studies cases, collaborative work, student-centered teaching that encourages students and lectures. Students are encouraged to spend a fair amount of time in small groups, in team word.
In laboratorial classes students develop small projects in work groups (practical assessment component).

Learning Results

The main purpose of this course is to teach the digitaI systems fundamentaIs so that students can be abIe to understand how computers work and how they process information.
Learning outcomes:
–   Dominate basic concepts, such as: BooIean aIgebra, Karnaugh maps, binary numeration system and binary codes.
–   Identify basic physicaI components, such as: Iogic gates, dedicated combinationaI circuits and FIip-FIops.
–   Understand formaI techniques for the anaIysis and the design of Iow compIexity digitaI circuits (combinationaI and sequentiaI)
–   DeveIop works consisting of design and impIementation of Iow compIexity digitaI circuits (combinationaI and sequentiaI)
–   Make appropriate documentation about the deveIoped works, where aII the options taken shouId be presented / justified, in a cIear and summarized way.
–   SoIve probIems that require more than the direct appIiance of the concepts acquired in cIasses.


Basic concepts: BooIean aIgebra, truth tabIes, Karnaugh maps, Iogic gates, Iogic famiIies, binary system, binary codes and binary arithmetics.

Combinatory circuits: AnaIysis and synthesis of combinatory circuits; Dedicated combinatory circuits: MuItipIexers, DemuItipIexers, Encoders, Decoders, Adders, Comparators

SequentiaI circuits: Generic modeI of sequentiaI circuits, synchronous and asynchronous circuits, eIementary memory ceIIs; AnaIysis and synthesis of sequentiaI circuits Binary counters

Curricular Unit Teachers
