Direito Comercial

Base Knowledge

N. A.

Teaching Methodologies

The following teaching methodologies are used in this curricular unit: interpretation and analysis of the legal provisions and exposure of contents by the teacher and its discussion with the students; resolution of practical real case studies and court decisions by the students.

Learning Results

It is expected that at the end of the course each student will be able to:
a) qualify an act or an obligation as commercial.
b) distinguish and qualify a subject of a legal relationship as a trader.
c) qualify an organization as a company;
d) establish commercial companies;
e) know the organization and functioning of commercial companies;
f) identify the main rights and obligations of the members or shareholders.


1. Commercial transactions and traders in the Portuguese Commercial Code of 1988.
2. The commercial enterprise.
3. Company law.
4. Corporate personality and the lifting of the corporate veil.
5. The company’s constitution. Shareholders’ agreements.
6. The company’s officers and organs. Division of power between the administration board and the general meeting. 
7. The relationship between shareholders and company: rights and duties.
8. Capital, profits and creditor protection.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Abreu, J. M. C. (2019). Curso de Direito Comercial. Vol. I. Almedina

Abreu, J. M. C. (2021). Curso de Direito Comercial. Vol. II. Almedina

Abreu, J. M. C. (Coord.). (2020). Estudos de Direito das Sociedades. Almedina