Base Knowledge
C Language.
Teaching Methodologies
The classes will be held in a mixed way, presenting the concepts, corresponding to the theoretical classes and then presenting the methodologies and equipment for practical and simulation experimentation.
Learning Results
Design and execute distributed systems based on microprocessor networks
Design and implement distributed instrumentation systems
Design and project methodologies and programming techniques for integrated systems
Design and project networks of industrial automatons
Design and project the system management architecture of the embedded system.
1st Part (Responsible: Fernanda Coutinho)
– Overview of the programming of multitasking distributed industrial systems with real-time restrictions.
– Multitasking systems with real-time specifications: hard and soft time constraints; requirements (functional, temporal and reliability specifications); tasks; scheduling policies; scalability criteria; communication (queues) and synchronization (traffic lights) between tasks.
– Programming of embedded systems with a multitasking and real-time core.
2nd Part (Responsible: Inácio Fonseca) – Use of 1st Part learning (real time systems) in systems with:
– Industrial networks;
– Instrumentation networks;
– Communication between processes;
– Design of industrial applications.
Work done:
1st Part-
Programming multitasking applications with real-time restrictions with the FreeRTOS core. Use of test platforms in a simulation environment (ports for Win32) and in a real environment (ports for the f28x microcontrollers of the Texas Instruments C2000 family).
2nd Part – Use of 1st Part, to:
Concepts on Local and Industrial Networks.
Programming with Industrial networks from different manufacturers, using different Industrial networks.
Industrial Instrumentation Data acquisition systems, IoT.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Main bibliography in the library:
Kopetz, H. (2011). Real-time systems: design principles for distributed embedded applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Cota ISEC – 1A-2-79.
Lugli, A., Santos, M. (2009). Sistemas Fieldbus para Automação Industrial, Cota ISEC – 1-6-324.
Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P., Gagne, G. (2009). Operating System Concepts. 978-0-470-12872-5. Cota ISEC 1A-3-137.
Existing bibliography on the support platform:
Amazon Web Services. (2017). Reference Manual for FreeRTOS – API Functions and Configuration Options. Retrieved from
Coutinho, F. (2021). 1st Part – Slides used in classes, made available to students through institutional academic platforms.
Barry, R. (2016). Mastering the FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel – a Hands On Tutorial Guide. (R. T. Ltd, Ed.) Retrieved from FreeRTOS:
Fonseca, I. (2022). 2nd Part – Slides used in classes, made available to students through institutional academic platforms.
Extra bibliography:
Pimentel, J. (1990). Communication Networks for Manufacturing. Prentice-Hall.
Stevens, W. (1998) UNIX Network Programming. 978-0134900124