Ecologia Industrial

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical classes are addressed and exemplified the general concepts in accordance with the objectives of the curricular unit. In practical classes students are encouraged to apply those concepts to real cases. When necessary will be provided scientific papers related to the matter.

Learning Results

It is expected that each student is entitled to:

a) Know advanced methods of analysis applied to Environmental Sciences and Technologies, and apply them in the development of services and products that integrate a sustainable development strategy;

b) Understand ecological processes as a whole, the structure and functioning of ecosystems at local, regional and global levels;

c) Apply industrial ecology tools, study the debt of resources, after their extraction, transformation, use and elimination;

d) Analyze the potential for increasing the environmental efficiency of processes, minimizing the production of waste (“Clean Production”) or, seeking to value waste, transforming it into products with added value in other sectors (“Industrial Symbiosis”);

e) Assess the influence that economic, political, regulatory and social factors have on resource extraction and use, transport and transformation.


1. Introduction to Industrial Ecology

2. Concepts, strategies and Industrial Ecology tools:

a) Clean production

b) Life Cycle Management

c) EcoDesign

d) Integrated waste management

e) Industrial Parks (Eco-industrial parks)

f) Production and sustainable consumption

g) Practical applications

Curricular Unit Teachers




Araújo P. (2021). Ecoeficiência e Ecologia Industrial: Ferramentas para a sustentabilidade corporativa. São Paulo: Instituto Tecendo Socioambiental.

Ferrão, P. (2009). Ecologia Industrial. Princípios e ferramentas. Lisboa: Instituto Superior Técnico.

Pereira, A. (2017). Ecologia Industrial. São Paulo: SENAC