Base Knowledge
Information not defined
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching methodologies include theoretical lectures as well as the discussion of small case studies and the resolution of exercises. The interrogative process is widely used to encourage the student to reflect on the topics exposed. Students must develop an autonomous work outside of classes, on a relevant subject of the discipline (business plan), which results in a monograph and a presentation / defense in class. Student participation in classes is strongly encouraged and valued.
Learning Results
Understand, describe, and convey an overview of organizations and management in the context of today’s societies. Understand the concepts, methods and criteria for the preparation and disclosure of standardized accounting information. Understand the relevance of management accounting in supporting decision making in the current business environment. Understand how the cost of products and services is determined, and how this information can be used by managers to make decisions. Understand, analyze and use methodologies, techniques and models of business financial management assessment. Plan and substantiate financial decisions in the short, medium and long term. Prepare the forecast financial documents related to strategic financial decisions. Understand and substantiate investment decisions and financing instruments.
1. Introduction to management and organizations.
Basic concepts; Creation of companies; Formalities; Types of companies; Commercial Companies: Scope. Personality and ability. Articles of association. Private limited companies. Anonymous society. Individual entrepreneurs.
2. Marketing and structural business analysis.
Marketing; Analysis of the environment; Strategic analysis; Company analysis; Businesses as economic units; Planning and Strategic Planning; Production management and production process management. Lean thinking.
3. Inventory / Stock Management
Provisioning and stock management; Inventory classification models; Components of Inventory management models; Deterministic models (instantaneous / non-instantaneous replacement, with / without breakage allowed); Stochastic models (order level and cyclical revision policies).
4. General and Management Accounting
Financial flows in business activity; General accounting functions, divisions and principles. Accounting Standardization; Notion; Advantages and disadvantages; Accounting Standardization in Portugal. The Accounting Standardization System (SNC); Study of SNC Accounts; Elements of Financial Statements within the scope of the SNC. Swing; Income Statement by Nature; Income Statement by Function.
Statement of Changes in Equity. Cash Flow Statement; Attachment. Principles of Financial Management; The main concepts of profitability of the company; Cost-volume-results relations; Critical point; Ratios.
5. Economy and economic investment decision
Essential economic parameters; Economic Science and its Postulates; Economic Problem and its Solutions; Economic Role of the State; The Marshallian Cross; The Main Ways of the Market; Economic activity; Principles of Economic Policy Means released from investments; Maps of the financial flows of investments; Economic decision evaluation methods – Net Present Value (VAL), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Investment Recovery Period (Pay-Back).
6. Business Plan
Business Plan (Formulation, Elaboration and Fundamental Points); Strategic Analysis; Strategy formulation; Strategy Organization and Implementation; Innovation; Ideas.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Vieira, A. C. V., Domingues, D. (2024). Apontamentos de apoio as aulas. (3ª Ed).
Lisboa, J. et al (2013). Introdução à Gestão de Organizações. (3ª Ed.). Porto: Vida Económica. ISBN 978-972-788-397-4. [Localização: 2A-1-93 (ISEC) – 13629].
Coelho, A., Coelho F, Almeida F. (2013). Introdução à Gestão das Organizações. (3ª Ed.). Lisboa: Vida Económica
Santos, A. J. R. (2008). Gestão Estratégica – Conceitos, modelos e instrumentos. Lisboa: Escolar Editora. ISBN 978-972-592-229-3. [Localização: 2A-3-60 (ISEC) – 14872].
FERREIRA, Bruno Borges, (2015). Fundamentos de Marketing (3ª ed.). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
Rocha, D., Azevedo G., Rodrigues A.M.G. (2016). Contabilidade para Todos. (2.ª edição) Almedina
Rodrigues, J. (2021). SNC – Sistema de Normalização Contabilística Explicado. (9.ª edição) Porto: Porto Editora. ISBN: 978-972-0-00542-7.
BORGES, António, RODRIGUES, Azevedo, RODRIGUES, Rogério (2007). Elementos de contabilidade geral (24ª ed). Lisboa: Áreas Editora. ISBN 978-989-8058-15-7. [Localização: 2A-9-17 (ISEC) – 14906]
FARINHA, José Manuel Torres, (2018). Asset maintenance engineering methodologies. Boca Raton [etc.]: CRC Press. English. Printed in USA. ISBN-10: 1138035890. ISBN-13: 978-1138035898. [Localização: 2A-6-121 (ISEC) – 18383]
SARKAR, Soumodip (2010). Empreendedorismo e Inovação (2ª ed). Lisboa: Escolar Editora. ISBN 978-972-592-269-9. [Localização: 2A-1-210 (ISEC) – 15264]
IAPMEI (2016). Como Elaborar um Plano de Negócios – Guia Explicativo. Lisboa: IAPMEI. Disponível em:
Andrade, A. M., Franco R.C. (2007). Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos. SPI
Neves, João César (2017). Introdução à Economia. (11ª edição). Lisboa: Babel. ISBN 978-972-22-3056-8. [Localização: 2A-10-89 (ISEC) – 19115].
Soares, J. C. (2008). Dicionário de Economia. Plátano Editora. ISBN: 9789727706396.
Xiaoxia Huang, Feng Zhang. (2022). Economic and Business Management. Available at