Base Knowledge
Not applicable.
Teaching Methodologies
Expository classes, practical exercises (with guidance) and works.
For a better performance, students must attend and participate in classes.
For an adequate study of the subject, they should not only use the notes collected in classes, but also consult all and study the materials provided by the teachers and the recommended bibliography.
Learning Results
1) Goals:
Being this course designed for future engineers, the main goal is that students can acquire elementary, practical and fundamental skills in economic science and in management, which should allow them to:
– Develop general knowledge in the field of economic science by understanding its fundamental principles;
– Analyse and reflect on macroeconomic information and its impacts on companies and families;
– Apply the theoretical concepts of Economics to the real world, creating the ability to reflect on real problems;
– Have the ability to solve concrete problems, not only as consumers, but as producers / sellers;
– Participate in debates around Economic Science managing to support and substantiate their own positions;
– To know the reality of the Portuguese and world economies through the analysis of a set of indicators;
– Develop knowledge and understanding skills in the area of Management, understanding the various functional areas existing in a company;
– Analyse the reality around us from the manager’s point of view;
– Acquire a critical, constructive and creative vision in future development projects in your area;
– Know the reality of management positions;
– Have the ability to apply the knowledge acquired in solving specific problems in business life, supported by their own arguments;
– Conduct a strategic analysis of a real company.
2) Skills:
Students will learn to:
– Know the Economic Science and its postulates;
– Understand the rational decisions of consumers and producers;
– Know and differentiate the various types of market;
– Interpret the activities of the State;
– Know the reality of the Portuguese economy and the evolution of the world economy;
– Analyze a set of fundamental economic indicators (examples: GDP, inflation, unemployment, budget deficit, public debt, statistics on international trade);
– Have a critical spirit about the economic environment that surrounds them based on basic and fundamental knowledge of Economics;
– To interpret simple economics texts (including daily information published in the press), to understand the economic language and to be able to participate in debates;
Students will also learn how to:
– Identify and interpret the various functions of an Organization;
– Understand and apply the main strategic analysis methods of an Organization;
– Understand Marketing and its strategic importance for an Organization;
– Understand the factors that determine the motivation of the various stakeholders of an Organization;
– Develop the ability to work in groups.
– Introduction to economic science;
– The economic problem and its solutions;
– The Marshallian cross (demand and supply);
– Consumer and producer theories;
– Theory of international trade;
– The main forms of market;
– Economic activity;
– The evolution of the State’s economic role;
– Brief notions of economic policy;
– The functions of the Currency;
– Portuguese economy in a historical perspective;
– Taxes in Portugal;
– Organization, company and sustainability;
– Marketing;
– Leadership;
– Financial Accounting;
– Business strategy.
Curricular Unit Teachers
1) Main bibliography:
– Neves, J. C. (2017). Introdução à Economia (11ª edição). Lisboa: Verbo.
– Almeida, F. (Coord. 2016). Introdução à Gestão das Organizações (4ª edição). Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
– Ferraz, R. (2023). Slides de apoio às aulas de Economia e Gestão. ISEC.
2) Secundary bibliography:
– Mankiw, N. (2012). Principles of Economics (6th Ed). London: Cengage Learning.
– Robbins, S. and Coulter, M. (1996). Management (5th Ed).
– Management, S. Robbins e M. Coulter, Prentice Hall, 2001. London: Prentice.