
Teaching Methodologies

Avaliação de conhecimentos distribuída ao longo do semestre lectivo sob a forma de testes escritos, sendo que a passagem ao teste seguinte requer a nota mínima de oito valores. A média das classificações obtidas nos testes deve ser igual ou superior a dez valores.

Em alternativa, faculta-se aos alunos a possibilidade de realizarem um exame final por meio de uma prova escrita (nota mínima dez valores), não estando prevista a realização de prova oral, nos termos definidos pelo Regulamento de Frequência, Avaliação e transição de Ano do ISCAC.

Learning Results

Analyze the concepts and basic economic principles that govern the functioning of the economy both at the micro
and macroeconomic levels. The first part aims at providing the students with the basic microeconomic concepts, ie,
when facing a problem, they will be able to analyze it and solve it using economic reasoning. In the second part,
devoted to macroeconomics, it is intended to give students an insight into the functioning of the economy as a
whole, studying the organization and aggregates of national accounts that represent economic life. Finally, it is also
intended that students know the impact of the European integration process in the Portuguese economy, and in
particular in the agricultural sector.


Fundamental Principles of Economics
1 – The major economic issues
I – Microeconomics
Perfect Competition and the Invisible Hand
1 – Demand
Consumer’s rational choice
Individual demand and market demand
2 – Supply
The profit maximization condition
The choice of the level of production
Individual supply and market supply.
3 – Market Equilibrium
4 – State Intervention in the Market
Policies of price control
Fees, taxes and subsidies
II – Macroeconomics
The Representation of Economic Life
1 – Measurement of Economic Activity
GDP and Unemployment
National Accounts
2 – Measurement of price level and inflation
The price indices
Nominal and real growth rates
The impact of the European integration process in the Portuguese Economy
1 – The Portuguese Economy in the European context .
Portuguese agriculture : Balance of 25 years of European integration
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Regional Policy

Curricular Unit Teachers




Frank, R. e Bernanke, B. (2003), “Princípios de Economia”, McGraw-Hill, Lisboa;
Samuelson, P. e Nordhaus, W (2010), “Economia”, McGraw-Hill, Lisboa, 18ª ed;
Mateus, Augusto (2013), “25 Anos de Portugal Europeu – A Economia, a sociedade e os fundos estruturais”,
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Mateus, Abel (2006) Economia Portuguesa – Crescimento no contexto
internacional (1910-2006), 3ª ed, Verbo Editora, Lisboa.