Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
•The methodology will focus on active participation (independent work, group work, project work) combined with exposure dialectically supported by multimedia, as well as with the use of guided reading and discussion of texts of reference, which will favor the Job Submission conceptualisation.
The methodology will establish links with other disciplines of knowledge, research and intervention, and even direct contact with other educational activities, formal or informal, an initiative of institutions / organizations in the community.
EVALUATION BY ATTENDANCE implies the following evaluation criteria and the respective percentage weights are: Participation in class assignments = 10% | Curriculum Enrichment Activities = 10% | Test(s) = 80% . Whenever the teacher considers it convenient, one of the written tests can be replaced by an individual work. EVALUATION BY EXAMINATION covers all the syllabus worked in the classes;
Learning Results
– That students are able to understand how the socioeducative animation can be a process of education for the development and promotion the social and cultural skills for individuals, groups and communities.
– To develop a process of familiarization with the major social problems, particularly its causes and effects, which could generate structural intervention processes within the
– Provide familiarization with processes and methodologies of intervention and evaluation, of intervention projects in the context of socioeducative animationy, working in the community.
1. Education and community intervention
2. Education and Community and Community Development
3. Models of Intervention and Community Animation
4. Methodology and practice for education and community intervention
5. Socio-educational and socio-cultural mediation
6 . Vulnerable social groups – issues, models and socio-educational intervention strategies:
7. Scopes and programs of education and socio-educational and community animation with children and young people
8. Scope and programs of socio-educational and community education and animation with adults
9. Scopes and programs of education and socio-educational animation with older adults
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Curriculum Enrichment Activiites - 10.0%
- - Frequency - 80.0%
ALMEIDA, J. F. [et al.]. EXCLUSÃO SOCIAL – Factores e tipos de pobreza em Portugal. Oeiras: Celta, 1992.
ARREDONDO, S. C. e CABRERIZO, Jesús – Evaluación de programas de intervención socioeducativa : agentes y ámbitos. Madrid: Pearson Educación, 2004.
CARIDE GOMEZ; J.A.; Pereira de Freitas, O.M.; Vargas Callegas, G. “Educação e Desenvolvimento Comunitário Local – perspectivas pedagógicas e sociais da sustentabilidade”. Porto, Editora Profedições, 2007. Ciênc. da Educação, 2007
CAPUCHA, Luís, Desafios da Pobreza. Oeiras: Celta, 2005.
ESCUDERO, José. “Análisis de la realidad local – Técnicas Y métodos de investigación desde la Animación Sociocultural”. Madrid, Narcea,2004.
QUINTANA CABANAS, Jose M., Sociologia De La Educacion, Madrid: Dykinson, 1989.
CARVALHO, Adalberto Dias e BAPTISTA, Isabel – Educação social: fundamentos e estratégias. Porto Editora. Porto, 2004.
CAPUL, Maurice ; LEMAY, Michel – Da educação à intervenção social. Porto: Porto Editora, 2003. VOL. 1 e 2