Education, Leisure and Animation Leisure

Base Knowledge

1. Basic Concepts of Free Time and Leisure;
2. Basic Concepts of Non-Formal Education;
3. Basic Concepts of Socio-educational Animation

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology will focus on active participation (autonomous work, group work, project work) combined with exposure dialectically supported by multimedia, as well as with the use of guided reading and discussion of texts of reference, which will favor the exhibition of methodological works and theoretical conceptualization.
The methodology, establish linkages with knowledge from other disciplines, but also other educational activities, formal or informal, organized by students or other institutions / organizations.
The evaluation, by frequency, integrates the group analysis of leisure contexts, and the development of methodological conceptions, which provided the debate and critical comment on the class and the teacher conclusion.

Learning Results

Be familiar with the components of Pedagogy of Leisure and Leisure
Knowing educational implications of the sociology of education, leisure and sociology of development.
Identify the effects of leisure on the education development and welfare of children and young people and the general population.
. Be able to design projects and activities of socioeducational animation, in non-formal and informal and leisure educational contexts, enabling personal development and educogenia communities;
Learn to organize a pedagogical context in a context of leisure, mobilizing harmoniously, the components of rest, entertainment and development;
Learn to develop a pedagogy inclusive of different groups and individuals present in socioeducational animation activities;
Understand the importance of using the techniques of recreational expression and sports.


1. General introduction to the theme of Leisure Time, the Idleness and Leisure Activity
1.1. Idleness and Leisure throughout history: from simple societies to modern societies
1.2. Education in Leisure and Education for Leisure
2nd. The conceptualization of Leisure
3 Conditions of class and cultural dispositions, and leisure practices
3.1. The concept of Habitus
3.2. Cultural dispositions, Habitus and Leisure practice.
4 Education and Leisure for different audiences
5th. Media and Educational Resources
6th. Contexts of Education and socioaeducative leisure:
6.1. Enrichment activities curricular; The Centers Activities Leisure for Youth (CATL’s); Organization and Socioeducative Animation in toy libraries; Summer Camps and Outdoor Education Centres and Activities Socioeducational; Civic Centers; Cultural and Recreational Associations, Universities / Clubs Seniors; Municipal Youth Centers, Homes and Day Centres for Senior Citizens, etc.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Project - 50.0%
  • - Synthesis work - 30.0%
  • - Curriculum Enrichment Activiites - 10.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




BACAL, Sarah. “Lazer e o Universo dos Possíveis”. São Paulo: Aleph, 2003
BORJA SOLÉ, Maria (1980) O jogo infantil : organização das ludotecas / Maria de Borja Solé ; trad. Maria Vieira Stoer. – Lisboa : Instituto de Apoio à Criança,
GRANERO, Carlos y Juan Carlos Lesmes (coord.),(2006). Jovens Y Campamentos de verano. Revista de Estudios de Juventud, n. 72, Madrid: INJUVE.
DUMAZEDIER, JOFFRE – (2000) – Lazer e Cultura Popular. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva.
GOMES, Christianne L. Lazer, trabalho e educação: relações históricas, questões contemporâneas. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2008.
PARKER, Stanley, Sociologia do Lazer, Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.
PINTO, Graça, (2005). Programa Universitário para Seniores, Edição da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.
GAMMON, Sean & ELKINGTON, Sam (2015). Landsciesapes of Leisure. PLAGRAVE MACMILLAN.
VEBLEN, Thorstein (2007). The Theory of The Leisure Class. Oxford: Oxford University Press.