Educational and Regional and Local Development Policies

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Articulating the theoretical dissertation with reflection and practices, the teaching methodology is structured in the presentation and debate of the articulating concepts of Educational Policies and Local and Regional Development (25% of the evaluation), in the realization of an individual written test (50 %) and in the elaboration of a portfolio made in a group, with scientific and pedagogical guidance, which presents a Case Study of an Educational Policy, exploring it from the normative frameworks, to local appropriation, crossing it with its meaning or impact on local and regional development as experiences (good practices) of Socio-Educational Animation, namely projects carried out or in progress, activities and good practices (25% of the evaluation).
Therefore, the assessment should preferably take the form of continuous assessment.
The evaluation can also take place by exam, in the form of a written test to be carried out at the end of the semester (100%).

Learning Results

It is intended that at the end of the semester students will be able to: Identify and interpret the policies and normative frameworks that frame the intervention in Lazer and Social Pedagogy; Design projects and develop LSP dynamics in accordance with the educational policies and local and regional development in force; To decenter the understanding of LSP practices from the personal and group aspects, attributing organizational and political meanings to it; To articulate the knowledge of some Educational Policies of national and governmental initiative with development models; Understand and apply the knowledge, skills, and practices of LSP in the context of the implementation of educational policies; Know some of the guidelines of educational and social inclusion policies of local, governmental and European initiatives, as well as the impacts and transnational trends in the context of present globalization.


1. Nature and scope of the subject in the Study Plan.
2. The articulating concepts between Educational Policies and Local and Regional Development: Educational Policies and Policies; Local and Regional Development; National and European Policies: European Union, European Policies; State and Political Organization; Partnership, community, social networks, communities of practice; Associativism, Third Sector, Non-profit Private Sector; Normative Frameworks for Educational Policies; Social exclusion and inclusion; Regionalization, decentralization, deconcentration; Social responsibility; Organization, communication, and organizational functioning; Globalizations in progress.
3. Models of intelligibility of associative, municipal, business, governmental, and European organizations.
4. Case study: cooperative construction of a Portfolio on an Educational Policy and Local and Regional Development.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 25.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 25.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




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