Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching and learning methodologies assume an active, participatory and dynamic character, integrating a combination of systematized information presentations with critical analyses; research work and critically based reflection; presentations of work; discussion of cases, debates, among other diversified activities.
For its assessment, students choose one of the following modalities: continuous assessment or examination.
Continuous assessment includes the quality of the contribution of individual participation in activities within the curricular unit (50%) and the development of group work (50%): written work (30%); presentation and discussion (20%).
The assessment by exam is presented in the form of a written test (100%)
Learning Results
1. Know the concepts, foundations, values, strategies and practices of Educational Gerontology, as well as areas and contexts of intervention.
2. Understand the concepts of learning and adult education.
3. Know the universe of models and practices of adult education and respective intervention goals.
4. Know how to promote lifelong learning and mental stimulation.
5. Mobilizing resources in the promotion of evidence-based lifelong learning and adult learning practices.
6. Organize adult learning environments that promote autonomy, active participation, critical reflection, creativity, and sharing.
7. Know, select, apply and critically analyze strategies and techniques for older adults’ education.
8. Design psychoeducational intervention projects
1. Concepts of Educational Gerontology, Gerontological Education, Permanent Education, Lifelong Learning,
2. Contexts of learning, formal, informal and non-formal learning
3. Conceptions of the older adult: a critical look at the different perspectives of analysis.
4. Educational needs and potentialities of older adults
5. The emergence of Critical Educational Gerontology
6. Education as a social tool in the maintenance and development of the capabilities and potentialities of the elderly and their integration into the community
7. Models of learning and adult education
8. Barriers to learning
9. Principles and intervention practices in Educational Gerontology
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 50.0%
Bermejo, L. (2005). Gerontología Educativa. Cómo diseñar proyectos educativos con personas mayores. Madrid: Médica Panamericana.
CNE (2020). Educação de Adultos: Ninguém pode ficar para trás. Lisboa: CNE.
Findsen, B. & Formosa, M. (2011). Lifelong Learning in Later Life. A Handbook on Older Adult Learning. Rotterdam: Sense.
Martins, E. (2013). Gerontologia & Gerontagogia e Animação Sociocultural em Idosos. Lisboa: Cáritas.
Melo, A., Lima, L. & Guimarães, P. (2021). Actualidade da Educação Permanente, Lisboa: APCEP
Silva, S., et al. (2015). Ambientes amigos das pessoas idosas…In J. Pereira, M. Lopes, & T. Rodrigues (Coords.), Animação Sociocultural, Gerontologia, Educação Intergeracional (pp. 201-210). Chaves: Intervenção.
Soeiro, D., & Parreiral, S. (2018). Case Study Letters for Life, Portugal. UNESCO, ILL.
UNESCO. (2022). 5th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education. Citizenship education: Empowering adults for change. ILL. Hamburg