Educational Practice II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The Seminar will occur weekly, involving resources such as: teaching staff´s explanations for deepening scientific and pedagogically the curricula contents; selecting, preparing themes and planning lessons to implement in classrooms; constructing artefacts for: observation/evaluation, activities plans and didactic materials; reflecting about: practice in classroom, teacher-in-training learning’s in different pedagogic situations; discussing and solving problematic situations identified in the training. Orientation and attendance of the Final Report elaborated in the scope of supervised teaching practice.

The evaluation will involve: Training (T) (weight 3) which includes the Participation in the Seminar (SEM), Performance in the Training (PT) and Training portfolio (TP) and T= (SEM+8*PT+TP)/10.

It will be also considerate the Report of Educational Practice (REP) with weight 2.

The final classification of Educational Practice (EP) will be computed according to EP = (3T + 2REP)/5.

Learning Results

– To master the knowledge of principles and methods which allow the future teachers to adopt an investigative attitude in their professional duties in specific context, having as a support the understanding and analysis of research.

– To put in perspective and found the pedagogic action in integrating frame of principles and values of Basic Education curriculum.

– To adapt the theoretical knowledge of the instruction standards in the curricular units or in the disciplines embraced by the respective domain of qualification for teaching.

-To raise consistent tracks of intervention and educational research and to formulate work hypotheses and projects of research and educational intervention adequate to the context and to the subjects.

-To put in perspective observation as the strategy adequate to the knowledge of the educational context and of the teachable subject and using evaluation as a pedagogic regulator.

-To plan the educational intervention in the two different domains.


1.Observation and evaluation in educational environment

a. Construction and utilization of observation/evaluation artefacts

b. Analysis and interpretation of data

2. The curriculum construction (curriculum of basic teaching, curricular goals, didactic, pedagogic and scientific knowledge), plans of lessons and their educational implementations in classroom as well as the critical reflection about those implementations.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Internship - 60.0%
  • - Final Report - 40.0%




Alarcão, I., & Tavares, J. (2010). Supervisão da Prática Pedagógica – Uma Perspectiva de Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem (2ª edição). Coimbra: Almedina.

Altet. Análise das Práticas dos Professores e das Situações Pedagógicas. Porto: Porto Editora;

Clarke, B., Grevholm, B. & Milman, R. (2009). Tasks in Primary Mathematics

Teacher Education. NY: Springer; Ponte, J. P. (2002). Investigar a nossa própria prática. In G. (org.), Reflectir e investigar sobre a prática profissional (pp. 5-28). Lisboa: A.P.M.

Gardner, J. (2012). Assessment and Learning. London: Sage Publications LTD.